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A ton of good stuff in the presentation. I do consider you on my "team" and I'll go to bat for you the best way I can. Just I few things I see differently - the statement "we have been lied to about everything" - I don't think that is accurate. YES we have been lied to about SOME things, but not everything. That's the "trick" they use, they can't lie about everything because they would totally lose credibility, You have to take each individual subject and just test it out and see if they're lying or telling the truth, and sometimes they tell the truth, but just don't tell you everything. As far as the earth, the earth is absolutely positively a ROUND sphere and one way I can prove it, is with a sunset when the sun's rays illuminate the BOTTOM sides of clouds. That would be absolutely impossible if the earth were flat because a flat earth model finds the sun always ABOVE the clouds. In fact, there are photos online of Mount Rainier 40 miles from Seattle casting a shadow on the BOTTOM sides of clouds. As far as google maps looking wierd, probably that is from the technicians piecing photos together and also there is an actual science to map making because if the earth were flat, map making would be a whole lot easier. When you take flat photos and piece them together, you get distortion because the actual earth is a sphere. Of course there are other things such as those used in aviation - great circle distance is an actual science used for aircraft - mainly coming into play for very long flights. But if you look at a flat earth map, you could not fly nonstop on many routes if the earth were actually laid out like on a flat earth map. {because you'd run out of fuel} Another thing I wanted to comment on is the chemtrail thing - YES there might be a teeny tiny fraction of aircraft spewing out "chemtrails" - those are probably military and drones, certainly NOT airliners which are about 95% of the high altitude traffic and we know that to be true because an airliner aircraft would not be able to load up with extra chemicals due to weight and balance. In fact, an airliner typically at the last minute will get the weights and see if it's within weight limits. If it's under max weight, the airliner MIGHT toss in some freight {usually mail} in the cargo bins to bring in some extra revenues. But in the summer on hot days, they might not be able to carry extra cargo {because if the airplane has an engine out on takeoff, it MUST be able to climb out on the remaining engine with the load that's on board} LET ALONE carry chemtrail chemicals in the chemical tank {that does not exist on airliners - POSSIBLY on some military airplanes and drones} - Now with all that being said, there is ACTUAL chem trailing going on that most people don't really care about - BUT THEY SHOULD, and that is chemicals being sprayed from airplanes 40 feet off the ground call CROP DUSTERS. Now CROP DUSTERS are an actual provable phenonium that takes place practically every single day and destroying the earth's eco system - but the activists are too busy staring UP at 35,000 feet when the should be looking no higher than 40 feet. That to me, is the trick the evil doers are doing - like a magic trick, get you to look up and people fight over "chemtrails", while the evil bastards keep dumping poison on out top soils and eventually gets into the watershed.

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I surely hope You geth through soon and feel much better!

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