I agree that there is no such thing as online bullying. I have a meme I created that says, "I am not responsible for how You choose to feel about what I have said, and You are not responsible for how I choose to feel about what You have said." And then there's... "Sticks and stones will break My bones but words will never hurt Me."

As for Michelle, I grasp the issues. I, too, joined that group, but decided I was wasting My time there... Wasn't booted, but... Moved on.

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I agree as well.

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Very good, top notch, spot on article - exercising free speech, whatever the content.....if negative, can always be responded to with further truth; one of the best exercises empowering everyone (all participants) into learning further and deeper truths about ourselves and Life.....so very important now!!!

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Denise, what are Michelle's views on police ?? Because as you may have already noticed {lol}, that yes I admit it, I'm guilty as charged, that I absolutely use the police question as a "litmus test" to tell if a person is a potential freedom and liberty person, or a FAKE "freedom and liberty person. If the person tells me they believe in the legitimacy of the police, then I automatically know they are not a freedom and liberty person. If the same individual "CLAIMS" they are a freedom and liberty person, then I have no choice but to deem that person as a FAKE "freedom and liberty" person. One example of a FAKE freedom and liberty person is Peggy Hall. She's got LOTS of good stuff to say, but she believes in the legitimacy of the police and she also believes in "voting". She's absolutely NOT a freedom and liberty person. I think she can help the freedom and liberty movement in SOME ways, but her support of police and her voting participation are "red flags" for me. Of course her stance is supporting the "good" sheriffs which is a total joke. There is no such thing as a "good" "law enforcement officer". I'm not saying to just "kick" her out of the movement, but I am saying she needs to let it be known, she's NOT a true freedom and liberty person. And the same is true with Dr Jane Ruby. I am grateful for what Dr Jane has done in her work exposing the corrupt medical industry. But she has this nonstop infatuation with "securing our borders" and because of the CV19 shot, she is "so concerned" about the military's "readiness". She also is a promoter of "local elections". Ugh where's the buzzer button ?? Bzzzzzzzzzzz = Dr Jane Ruby - does lots of GOOD work, so hat's off to that, BUT SHE IS NOT A FREEDOM AND LIBERTY PERSON.

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I hear what you say. The woman's name is Michelle not Martha but she has totally blocked me from her group and I can't even see the group anymore or any posts, nothing. I like that you use the police as a litmus test. That's a good one. I also test them for if they take vaccines or believe in mandatory medical procedures. I do like Peggy Hall very much, but you are absolutely right, she is all for the same systems, and fighting things in court. Surely she must know at her level that all courts are just as corrupt as government and corporations. I have not heard her talk about government being a corporation (every government agency too) as well as government treating people as corporations in the birth certificate fraud. Haven't heard her say anything about that.

But when people in the freedom movement block others it shows they are only just jumping on the band wagon of the movement but they don't really understand what freedom is and don't practice it. I see those who censor as enemies of the people because freedom of speech is the most fundamental freedom of all and they are squelching it.

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So I gather the discussion of police never came up with Michelle ??

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In the discussions I had with her, it consisted mainly of me trying to explain to her the intention of what I said, which she kept on misconstruing. So she would go on about some subject such as who is controlled op and I totally agreed with her and then tried to rectify that, over and over. We didn't talk one-on-one in real time, it was always where she could maintain control, by responding to text or an audio. And then you'd respond to that and so on. We had a call at the beginning but we argued over every point because she was so bossy and kept "warning" me! I wish I had gotten her views on the police as that's a good one to really tell if a truth and liberty advocate is worth their salt.

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One of the points I try to make in my rants and my online discussions is I'm NOT a fan of the freedom and liberty movement being like some kind of "club" you join. I'm not even a fan of the PMA. {although in SOME cases, I can see it [the PMA] being used to circumnavigate around the tyrants such as the actions of that Amish farmer in Pennsylvania who sells raw milk} When you said Michelle grilled you with questions to be in her "freedom" club, the first thing that came to my brain was C-U-L-T !! I mean look, when I said Peggy Hall was not a freedom and liberty person, that's only really my opinion. I'm not forcing Peggy Hall to sign a statement "I Peggy Hall do hereby declare that Police are illegitimate" signed "Peggy Hall". I'm not asking for that, nor would I ever require it. Peggy Hall thinks she freedom and liberty person. I don't think she is. But that's only how far it goes. Actually what it really means is that I totally SUCK at presenting my case and I need to come up with better arguments why police are illegitimate. And that's the attitude I have. I don't blame Peggy Hall, I blame myself. I have not done my job well enough. To be in the freedom and liberty movement, I don't ever want to see a hierarchy. See I think maybe where the confusion comes in, there are only 2 types of legitimate hierarchy: {1} Parent to child - mainly because the child is not capable of survival on its own and it's the job of the parent to KEEP THE CHILD ALIVE. So that's legitimate hierarchy #1. {2} Voluntary hierarchy - like a sports team or a JOB. Let's say someone applies for a job a Burger King. The person gets hired, and in exchange for a paycheck, the employee agrees to do a certain job under the supervision of the management. If the manager asks, "hey I need you to go clean the tables". You basically have 2 choices> {a] say yes and go clean the tables and get a paycheck or [b] say no & FU and probably most likely get fired. EITHER way it was VOLUNTARY. No men with badges and guns. ALL other hierarchy is ILLIGITIMATE which would be INvountary hierarchy such as government officials and especially police, and YES so called "freedom clubs" with controlling "leaders" who make you sign a statement of beliefs. The good news is you can just walk away from Michelle and no men with badges will show up at your door. UNLIKE if you skip out on a tax return.

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I share your sentiments exactly. The police have no legitimacy because I had no say in their existence and indeed, I would be against having police. I believe we could keep the peace with peace officers but it would be very different, it would be people in the community itself, so they would most likely care and they would be known if they went out of line. Of course there are people in the truth movement who have a variety of ideas, and that should be embraced and discussed and debated. But that word debate makes people's eyeballs pop out, yet how else should we deal with disagreements with each other? Debate makes each side make a cogent argument and convey ideas. Rather than debate, many prefer to block like a sissy who can't handle other people's ideas.

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Boy that describes Dr Jane Ruby to a "T". LOL. I don't even bother to comment on her Rumble videos because if you disagree with anything she says, she just deletes you. You can even agree with her 80% but it's the 20% she will just censor you. She is not interested in debating anyone, so her comment section is a total joke. Her videos are usually pretty good, but apparently, it's all or nothing with Dr Jane. There's an aviation YouTube channel called "Blanco Lirio" {Juan Brown} and he's like a male version of Dr Jane. Great videos, but don't you dare have a different angle on something on the comments section, because Juan will just block your ass. My feeling is, if the video host is going to be so sensitive on a comments section {IT'S A COMMENTS SECTION PEOPLE !!} then just turn the flipping thing OFF.

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Hi my name is Jane Doe {or John Doe LOL} and I'm starting a "Free Society" group. But to join you have to agree in writing that I'm the Boss, and you must do as I say. Welcome to the "Free Society" LOL.

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