I had a wonderful talk with a fellow “truther” today, a true “champion” of freedom. I use that word “champion” in place of any other word I can come up with that suits, even though I understand it’s rather lame. I’d like to use the sentiment of the word “warrior” but I want to get away from the narratives of war and use better images. There just aren’t many words that replace the essence of the word “warrior” without reference to violence (ie: war)though.
I got banned from facebook too many times to count. Now I’m off it wholesale. I’ve been communicating with only about four telegram groups, one of them called Our Free Society. It all sounds good and I was curious so I joined. Before even communicating with someone, I was asked to answer these numerous questions which they put to all new members. That took some time to do as they were very comprehensive. I didn’t like that I had to do what they demanded of me when they didn’t have to put up any of the goods themselves. I see this a lot on the internet in various groups. It’s a vestige of supremacy thinking.
Rather, how it ought to be is that anyone is let in and once they are in the group, then a determination can made about that member depending on the way they conduct themselves. It’s one-sided to demand something of a member without a proper two-way contract being made. It’s too much like the type of contract the ghouls do to us, where they put down clauses by the number and then expect that our signature agrees to all their terms. Never are your terms considered. That’s the one-way thinking that we have to get out of - if we want to create the world we would love to live in.
When I put it like that it all sounds so “pie in the sky” - a “world we would love to live in”. I’m sure many say to that: “there she goes again with her dreamin’”. Well I happen to subscribe to certain “formulas” shall we say, formulas like dreams always precede action. I think the formulas of nature are crucial to understand. And so is it crucial to understand the realm we are in. If we don’t understand those crucial principles, we will remain like ants that wear suits and shoes, and a far reach from our true human potential, which is magnificent and what the ghouls have been trying to downgrade since the get-go. If we don’t understand the realm we are in or why we humans are here, then we understand nothing, and it all doesn’t make much sense.
What kind of a realm do you believe we are in?
I hope you ponder that but in the meantime, let me tell you of another scene that happened to me later on in the day.
I like to support the online groups I’m in. I visited the group called Our Free Society on telegram and the one who runs the group, Michelle, answered many of my comments, which was great because I think this is what truthers ought to be about - discussing things and especially difficult things. She was quite bossy with her reviews of my comments but I got a whiff of that at the start after enduring that long questionnaire that had to be filled out even before anyone even talked to me as a new member. That is not how we ought to do things if we want to do things in a different way to this paradigm and create a beautiful world. Most people would agree that doing the same things will yield the same results so we ought to catch ourselves. We must do things in different ways than how they’re done in this paradigm, we need to be conscious of everything we do, that is what we must expect of ourselves and each other, n’est pa, if we are to call ourselves lovers of truth.
Speaking your truth is part of self-love. Why hold it in? Rather we ought to learn how to give negative feedback because we are here to help each other evolve and we can’t do that if we carry “blindspots” that people are too scared to inform us of. I know I have a good deal of self love because I have always felt loved by my parents. I think that is a huge advance on children and adults who didn’t feel loved or felt unwanted and thus carry the trauma. That must be a pure heartache to feel. Most especially unwanted by one’s parents. And because I had that kind of security I don’t suffer from the many traumas that others do.
Therefore my mind is more free to think about things that most people find too unpleasant to think about. They don’t even detect lies let alone analyse what they hear because they’re wound makes them turn away or hit back in aggression when they hear something they interpret as striking their worthiness. In this condition, they are letting themselves be run by “the program”. Few understand this process.
Michelle clashed with me from the start as she found me insubordinate. That already spells supremacy. I simply treat people as peers but they want others to kowtow to them in the usual hierarchical expectation, you know, if they are the leader or creator of the group for example. I don’t call people names but I do hold them accountable for what they say and I want them to do the same to me. But they claim I am calling them names when going back and reading the text proves I did not.
Sovereignty is the therapy we need to be practicing to heal our enslaved minds and hearts, but we don’t see any models of sovereignty therefore how can we practice it? It is biological to practice what we see others do (ie: copy) but some people can only do it once they see it done by others and don’t make moves that are original. They simply follow and there are many like that, most are. But they are asleep so they cannot be expected to lead the way in this.
There is nowhere we can see sovereignty being carried out. I try to live as a sovereign as much as I can, though I know I have the program running some of me still. I am reprogramming by putting in my own programs of what I prefer them to be. Someone has to start it though and here we are at this juncture where we have the opportunity to try new things out and cover new ground, because everything is changing. Our power can be maximized when we choose to make the changes rather than sit like helpless lemmings waiting for the overlords to hit us on the head.
It has to start by understanding the kind of realm we think we are in. If we don’t know that, then nothing seems to make sense. We also have to have an understanding of the purpose of humans and why each one is personally here. The first two are things most people never even ask themselves. We carry the picture of the realm that was imprinted on our imagination that was done by ill-intentioned blood suckers. The view of the kind of realm we inhabit then becomes the source of our actions. Not having an idea of what kind of realm we are in means we cannot get clarity, everything will seem crazy and “off kilter”, have little to no consistency, be chaotic and random. But when we discuss what kind of realm we are in and why humans are here, it takes on a whole different perspective and will generate very different actions.
What kind of a realm do you believe we are in?
I’ll go back to the story about Michelle because this is crucial absolutely crucial to comprehend and absorb.
She responded to my comments in audio, I responded to her comments in text. She responded in a way that did not address the points I had tried to convey. She totally misinterpreted almost all that I said and got mad at me for it! I remember when talking with her on the phone at our first discussion, she was domineering and opinionated and we almost came to verbal fisticuffs. I always like to see how people perform under conflict, and I welcome that women come out and say what they think. It didn’t phase me and simply carried on undisturbed by it. I noticed she was intelligent and “street smart” but also consumed by the program and ego. She got pissy easily. Rather than address the points she opposed in bits we could handle, it was like a barrage that barely gave space for me to respond. I often don’t give up on people like this because sometimes it’s just the diamond in the rough. She is genuine and that’s a plus these days.
She was practically raving at me at the end but surprisingly she didn’t excommunicate me. I could tell she was a good-hearted person and though feeling a bit peeved by her intransigence, simply moved on cordially as though it didn’t matter.
Most people think that if you don’t like it you can always go to another group, and that is of course very true. However I believe that walking away may be the easiest method but it doesn’t help either one or others. Avoid conflict keeps us unable to deal properly with it, it makes us weaker, and it prevents others from seeing how it can be dealt with properly. Because we have avoided it for so long, we are pretty bad at giving honest feedback and most people still turn away from it, so they unwittingly deny themselves that growth opportunity. We must understand that having disagreements doesn’t mean death! We can go on to live better days, but it is treated as something so massive and destructive that it is often avoided. The program shuns new ideas, it is designed to maintain the status quo and that’s why people get pissy when they hear something that deviates from the norm.
Michelle put out more audios in response to my texts and her voice started to build aggression. She said things like “don’t talk to me like that”, and “don’t call me names” and “stop bullying me”.
That kind of makes me laugh a bit because if anything she was bullying me but besides that, the notion that bullying can be done in text is utterly fatuous. How can bullying be done in text, can anyone answer this?
Bullying occurs when there is one person more vulnerable than another and physical harm is threatened. But one writer versus another is on an even keel. It’s all done on the screen, nobody can get physically hurt. Crying out that you’re being bullied by someone’s writing is saying that they require babying. It says they cannot meet your logic, so they detonate into bursts of accusations calling you a bully and getting all hot and bothered, rather than address the part that they find contentious. So nothing gets solved that way and they usually end up cutting you off or never talking to you again.
When someone is “triggered”, they often blame the person who said the thing that “triggered” them, and speak of the person as though they are the violator. When really it’s childish to absolve yourself of the responsibility for your ability or failure to handle something that someone merely says to you.
Quite some time ago, one of the writers I admired immensely did the same thing. He was admired by many for the essay he wrote called “Why law itself is the Violator”. I recommended everyone to read it, I thought it was “cutting edge” then and still do.
Nobody put how absurd law is, better than Millard put it. He was a wizard with language and expressed concepts in ways that brought them out magnificently.
But he ended up doing it too. Even with his expansive and cogent mind, he began accusing me of bullying another writer, who I challenged on the concept that bullying cannot be done online. I couldn’t believe Millard had sided with the other one, because it made no sense to. Further, he supplied a link to a silly TED Talk that touted that laws should be made for online bullies. I was utterly shocked that he would take that stance after reading Millard’s work and his hatred of law. How he could possibly make a total about-face was baffling and disappointing. I understand that another part of the program was in play here, the part I call The Brotherhood, where, during a conflict between a man and a woman, the man will 9 times out of 10, side with his brother(s).
Take notice of this pattern and let’s start outing the program. Once we do, we can then dissolve it and reprogram ourselves to the way we want to think. This is what consciousness is about.
When I tried to tell him that bullying is something that can be claimed in the physical experience but cannot be claimed in online existence, he just couldn’t register it. Online is completely different to “real life” and we need to be aware of this. Online, one can always scroll past, or respond, or go to another site or turn off their computer. But nobody can be bullied online because each participant has the same status, that of putting words on a screen. When I said this he went totally apeshit and accused me of all sorts of things and it kind of degenerated from there.
I experience this so often that it’s not even that much of a worry anymore. I used to feel very battered when someone did this but I learned how to respond properly because all I am capable of changing is myself. I try to get these concepts across but I understand how insidious the program is.
Michelle said I called her names but I never did. She simply heard it that way, through the lens of the program that was running her at that time, where words just blurted out emotionally and viscerally, rather than consciously. When people are confronted by truth and new ideas, the program makes them hear what isn’t there, makes them hear what they think they hear. They need to go back and read the text and check themselves out. I don’t know if they ever do though.
What they usually do is completely ignore you, shut you out and not talk to you ever again. I feel it’s a waste of a truther, there’s so few of us as it is, to stop talking to the few that exist means we separate ourselves more, and that is exactly falling into the programmed agenda.
When I asked what names I called her she didn’t respond. She continued on about other things rather than respond, I don’t think she was even hearing me at that point. She got other things wrong but didn’t give me a chance to address them. She started to become a bit ragey. I continued to respond in text when the next thing I knew she did the cut and ditch caper. Suddenly my screen blinked a few times and Our Free Society group was no more. Gone, poof, in an instant, no correspondence entered into.
My text was gone and so too the text I had with others, the links were gone and the hours I put into that group. I can’t talk to the others or learn from conversations or links that were posted there because Michelle got pissy and decided unilaterally that I was not going to be heard in that group. Territorial and what I call “one-way thinking”. It is rife because we all were brought up in patriarchy which is all about one-way thinking, the one with the most might. We are barely aware of it, it is like the proverbial “water to fish”.
Remember that saying “be the change”? What change are we talking about? I often cannot tell the difference between truthers sometimes and someone who is mentally unstable. Sorry to be so blunt about it, but it keeps happening.
So if we are to be the change, what kind of change are we talking about?
Wouldn’t you think we should start with treating everyone as a sovereign? Shouldn’t we try that, and that means treat each other as peers, as equals? We could uphold free speech as an absolute, even if we don’t like what is being said. Unliked speech can always be countered with more speech. If you cannot counter in speech then maybe you ought to do a little more thinking before you go shooting your online mouth off and accusing others simply because of your own deficiency.
Michelle is truly “on the ball” in her wit and intelligence. A very quick and sharp thinker, but she doesn’t know how important it is to conduct oneself as a sovereign and to treat others as sovereign. It’s similar to “you can’t love someone else, when you don’t love yourself”. We have to practice sovereignty or we’ll be stuck in this madness. It’s up to us because we are the ones that know what is really going on, we are the ones who are “awake” to what Michelle rightfully calls “the evils”.
Why do I say all this? Because it is my belief that it is imperative that we confront those who make statements that don’t make sense. We can’t let senseless statements pass because they eventually become the reality. “Wear the mask”, “take the jab”, “distance yourself”, these end up taking precedence if we don’t nip them in the bud.
We need to make the conditions ripe for sovereignty not for more enslavement and supremacy. Don’t worry about politeness, truth is more important. Politeness is subjective and we can learn to give negative feedback in better ways when we practice more. It makes us all the poorer of spirit and knowledge if we abstain from practicing it. Sometimes abstaining from debate may be an excuse for cowardice because you want to be liked. Saying honest truths often can be difficult to say and to accept. We must remember that truth is not for the squeamish. Truth takes courage and that is like a “muscle” that needs to be exercised.
Many ask what is “the truth”. The truth is something we must look for and discover, it is not something that has a "pat answer, especially within this “whirled” where trickery and black magic abound. It is something we find by hearing as many perspectives as possible. This is elementary, and seems too simple but if we don’t know this, we keep ourselves behind, we stop our progress and remain bogged in dystopia. The world we live in is debauched because it maintains “one-way thinking” belief systems. Take notice of this and you’ll see what I mean. Our law actually works on this premise and corporations do too as well as education and media. It’s all one-way thinking and nobody notices. To be sovereign we need to open discussion and hear from everyone. Comments should be greeted and appreciated because we learn from each other so why would anyone want to restrict that?
Notice many substack writers continue in the same paradigm by enforcing “pay to play” restrictions on speech? This only maintains the same system we currently have, as well as create a new elite that has information that non-payers can’t get. It’s mercenary and fails to comprehend the importance of information, that information is the true wealth, or the understanding that information belongs to no one - but that is for another episode.
To go forward it must be those with the knowledge who do things differently. Those still sleep walking can’t be expected to get things rolling. They don’t have a clue what is really going on. It’s up to us who do know to be different if we want to see different results. Open-mindedness, as well as the ability to scrutinize information, will have the effect of taking society in a different direction and show the sleepers a better way. It will also cultivate better relations amongst each other.
Debate is what a sophisticated society does when there is dissent or disagreement. And there is going to be plenty of disagreement amongst thinkers who are unique in our own way, and “viva” for that. It is natural and good that we have different opinions and varied outlooks. The way we find wisdom and take our humanity forward is to share our opinions and communicate our beliefs and if we hear ideas that are better than ours, we change. We cannot get ahead if ideas are censored, if some people decide what is fitting for others to see and hear.
Another thing to be cognizant of is that the answers and the solutions will most likely not come from “experts” because if that were so we would have found solutions by now. However we can’t discount it completely. The answers and solutions could come from anywhere because each of us is a piece of the puzzle. We simply never know where good ideas will come from and that is why we must give everyone voice and listen. If they are nonsensical then we can choose to ignore them, or challenge them. If online, simply scroll past. But we must never censor unilaterally, without asking the membership. We must be cognizant of the fact that nobody likes their expression to be shut down. To do that is akin to non-physical violence, it is one step below a violent action.
I want to get onto meaty subjects like brainstorming on what we are going to do, since we are in this predicament that we are all in, with technocrats and eugenicists chomping at the bit to imprison us further and steal all the wealth, destroy our habitat and other species as well as humans. What’s going on right now with birds being killed by the millions, and war zones, is utterly inconceivably wicked, barbaric and of a dark age. I cannot believe we are still in this state of being. Our conversations are what can turn it all around. Yes I know, I hear you, you think it’s too simplistic. Well I daresay take notice - it is the main thing “the evils” want to do - shut us up. What do you think the masks were all about?
I agree that there is no such thing as online bullying. I have a meme I created that says, "I am not responsible for how You choose to feel about what I have said, and You are not responsible for how I choose to feel about what You have said." And then there's... "Sticks and stones will break My bones but words will never hurt Me."
As for Michelle, I grasp the issues. I, too, joined that group, but decided I was wasting My time there... Wasn't booted, but... Moved on.
Very good, top notch, spot on article - exercising free speech, whatever the content.....if negative, can always be responded to with further truth; one of the best exercises empowering everyone (all participants) into learning further and deeper truths about ourselves and Life.....so very important now!!!