On the material side of things, you are quite right. I concur with everything you just wrote. I only do not dismiss the existence of a immaterial side of things just because we don't see it.

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I totally agree with that. Much of what is around us is unseen.

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They "double down." The same thing an animal does when it "burrows"

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Much to digest but great writing. Momentarily focusing on paragraph #5, I liked how you brought out the folly of the belief in "authority" and the destruction that "snitching" reeks on humanity. I have no problem whatsoever in your steadfast stance that there is not a GOD. I happen to think there is a CREATOR GOD, but I think we can walk in harmony trying to accomplish the same basic end goals. I liked how you brought out your convictions in the form of an appeal concerning the topic of revenge, - that actually was pretty dang cool. It's very hard {almost impossible} to fault someone for taking a non-vengeance approach. Even CHRIST had his disciples carry swords, but "rebuked" Peter for chopping off a Roman soldier's ear. There's several ways to look at that - my take is that there is absolutely nothing wrong with self defense. If you're being attacked, you have every right to defend yourself with matching force. Now getting back to the ear chop, I think why CHRIST rebuked Peter was because chopping off an ear really is not going to do anything as far as stopping CHRIST from being arrested and beaten. There is no defensive advantage in chopping off an ear. That would be like throwing a stone at 40% effort at a bear. All you'll do is piss off the bear. In other words, Peter was not using the sword in a manner of actual self defense, but instead CHRIST said he was "living by the sword". Then CHRIST goes on to say that those that live by the sword, will likewise perish by the sword. So your call to not take up vengeance, and CHRIST's rebuke of Peter, are in synch with each other. And believe me, I have lots and lots of debating with Christian friends. My position is that CHRIST is seated at the Right Hand of the Father on a throne in HEAVEN and ALL authority has been given to CHRIST. Now as far as us "earthlings", my position is, that here on THE EARTH concerning HUMAN BEINGS, there are only 2 types of legitimate "authority" {1} parent to child {but this in NO WAY gives "license" to abuse children - just to make myself clear} & {2} VOLUNTARY hierarchy - like what you find at the workplace. {like say you get hired at Burger King - on day one you're learning the different jobs - if you expect to be PAID, you do what your team leader asks you to do. You can't get hired and the manager asks you to go clean the tables, and you give the manager the "bird" - I mean you CAN, but most likely you'll be fired. And by the same token, if the manager asks you to do something that you just don't feel good about, you can walk away from the job. That's a system of Voluntary hierarchy. And the funny thing is, despite a huge % of people thinking the Bible is advocating abusive authority, the contrary is true. Romans 13 is not even talking about civil government, but even if it was, the Roman Empire collapsed in about AD500. In other words, based on retrospect and historical context, humanity from a Bible standpoint, is NOT supposed to even have "government" !! In Mathew Chapter 4 verse 8 & 9, we learn that ALL governments and its affiliated institutions actually belong to Satan the Devil. It's clear as day, one can go read it for themselves. And as far as the "authority" of "the clergy", there is no longer that as well because the Apostle Paul said that apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers would be need UNTIL the unity of the faith, which CLEARLY took place at Carthage in AD397. So technically since AD 397, the official age of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher, and pastor is OVER. There is simply the CHURCH, not "church buildings". Also CHRIST talked about building a world in Mathew chapter 5, in what I have dubbed a "Mathew 5 World" which is practically a mirror image of the proverbial "Voluntarist Manifesto". That's one huge reason I have embraced voluntarism, is because it kind of looks like Mathew Chapter 5.

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Thank you for those complimentary words. I'm sure the bible mentions a lot of things that are good and natural and fair. However I think the book is for men not for women as it has nothing that caters to the way we perceive the world and no women wrote it. So it's half the mindset and that isn't legitimate to me. Plus it's from a long time ago which yeah, some things are relevant because they're about human interaction which are often perennial, however if it were any book worth its salt, it would not be cryptic where people argue about the meaning of things for thousands of years. I also don't think we need to look back, everything is coming at us very quickly and we need to keep our wits for dealing with the present and the future. They didn't have in biblical times what we have now so it's not terribly relevant. I'm fine if people believe in myths but let's call it when it is a myth. I think it would be more valuable if we decided what to live by in current times, and if everybody got in on it. Of course no book should be adhered to because times change so any document is simply a snapshot and it needs to continually be updated to change as nothing is more certain than that. I have not read the Voluntarist Manifesto" but I will look for it and read it. Should be an interesting read. However it too, like all manifestos or constitutions, etc, need to be dynamic, not static. That's if we want to live in a world that is excellent.

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I'd like to add that the belief in god is something each can choose to have but I believe this will keep humanity back from advancing to our true selves because we will continue to look outward to this mythical character, each on thinking they know what he thinks, each one worried that he will disfavor them. That is not the right frequency to go into our authentic selves where we will have powers of our own abilities to do things. If we keep looking at the father figure and thinking we have to appeal to him, we remain as children and thus fail to mature ("spiritually")

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You sound alot like me denise. Too many people are living in the past. I say live in the present moment with an eye for the future.

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The Bible and the belief in GOD CAN be relevant to INDIVIDUALS on an individual basis. That is why the Christian Charismatic movement is a false movement, and SADLY many times can and has led to spiritual and psychological abuse. The Bible is very clear that the age of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher, and pastor is over because Carthage was a unique event in human history that brought together the unity of the faith. GOD absolutely does still "speak" to people, but as INDIVIDUALS for the benefit of the individual. In other words, there are no modern day "prophets" or modern day people with supernatural gifts reading people's minds or giving them words of knowledge, or "personal prophesies". That DID happen in the first Century, and possibly into the second century, but that became obsolete. It's actually BETTER now because like I said, GOD still speaks, but TO individuals about the individual. The vast majority of the time being GOD speaking to the individual to change their ways. That is why it does NO GOOD to be preaching at others when we are far from perfect ourselves. But that in no way absolves people from speaking out about injustice or outright evil stuff, or for that matter jumping in and intervening in a bad situation.

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I don't believe there is an "official" voluntarist "manifesto", but I actually did on my own come up with one and anyone is welcome to use it or parts of it - it's not "copywrited" LOL. The "manifesto" I wrote is this: "We" want to create a Grass Roots, Bottom to top, Decentralized, Laisse Faire, Borderless, Peaceful yet productive, Mathew 4 - 8&9 realized, LEO FREE LEO FREE LEO FREE, Isaiah 2:4 initialized, Ruler Free, Capitalistic yet Charitable, Post Pub Ed Era, Post drivers license and car registration era, politician free, taxation free, post voter era, Von Mises style, Governmentless, Golden Rule Guided, Classic Free Market, VOLUNTEER SOCIETY.

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Of course there are "amendments" to my "manifesto" like one very important to me is the absolute RIGHT to live in whatever shelter you choose on your own land that you paid for. Like for example, if I want to live in an RV FULL TIME, I should be able to drive {or tow} my RV that I paid for on my land and LIVE in it without ANY interference from ANY outside entity REGARDLESS of what "title" they claim to be, or regardless of what "authority" they "claim" the possess.

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I'm totally with you. I would love to see these ideas practiced somewhere, preferably a town or two or failing that, on a virtual reality game such as Second Life. Put the parameters in and the avatars (who are controlled by real humans) work their way in the game. What irritates me most is that we are not living these principles anywhere in the world.

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Actually there are pockets of this happening right now. There's many who have converted vans into "stealth" vans. On the outside it looks like a "contractor's" work van, but on the inside it's an "apartment" with stove, shower, bed, bathroom and these owners just live in their van. No need to pay a mortgage or pay rent. And that's the way it ought to be. We should be able to go RENT FREE or Mortgage Free if that's what we choose. They switch places where they park overnight. They save tons of money and is actually GOOD for the economy because the tons of money they are saving from rents or mortgages, they are spending a good portion in other areas boosting those sectors - OR simply saving the money or investing the money {and yes I know all about fractional reserve banking} but even in a fractional reserve banking system, "savings" are "invested" by the institution such as business loans - the point being the money the van dweller "saves" from not spending on rent or mortgage, gets to be put to good use.

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I'm all for it but I think people ought to live much better than that and we accept the status quo which keeps everybody down except the very upper 1 percenters. The idea of money the way we do it is the culprit and that's why everything is in tatters because of the foundation our economy is hinged on.

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Book: Tiny Homes on Wheels and Water


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A voluntarist world is the ONLY type of world we should be working towards.

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