I want to talk about a certain phenomenon I have observed where when sneaky organizations are in their death throws, they do things to keep their little “hooks in” to ensure they make it through a rocky time.
This phenomenon is something the cabal has already thought of. They knew of course that they would be found out eventually. And they are prepared for that happening and they intend to occupy the new ground, they will not just disappear. That happened with the monarchies, they morphed into democracies and political hierarchies. They never lost ground, the people only thought they did. They fed the people a new line and the people fell for it. They fed them the thrill of democracy.
The cabal has developed these systems so they can exist and even thrive by maintaining their addiction to adrenochrome. They set up the money system, the political system and religion to ensure this energy would always continue.
Many people still believe in these systems so they are doing a good job because even “truthers” believe passionately in god. It’s very troubling to me as I feel that this way of thinking is one of the hooks that will go into the next iteration to make this vile energy continue to use and devour the human species.
It’s very important to be aware that the program has many tentacles. And all take hold below our conscious awareness. This is where it thrives. It cannot thrive in the openness. It is like a cockroach that hides from the light. It repels questions or ignores them. It ducks and weaves rather than responds responsibly. And this behavior is becoming more prevalent unfortunately. The antidote is simply asking questions. That’s what we must do in our own lives when something doesn’t make sense. This energy is embodied within us as individuals, in people you know, like the ones who snitch on others, report to the “authorities” and often cause untold harm to innocent people just wanting to live their lives. That is the energy that enables the pedovores to prosper which comes from the belief in authority.
Some pedovores don’t drink adrenochrome but they do rape children. And this is a big, world-wide network, with people from the very highest echelons in society to the people in your own neighborhood. Think about it, imagine what it must be like to have that predilection. You’d have to hide it from everyone you know, keep it a huge secret throughout your life, just between you and yourself. You’d walk alone as you cannot express this addiction to anyone, you know you’ll be hated if you did, and maybe even snuffed out. So what they must look out for is others like them and band together. And they seem to be able to tell who they are. But they also have their symbols and logos that are codes they use to announce themselves to those like them.
They do business with each other, hold secret society groups, scratch each others’ backs financially and legally, all in total secrecy so that the ordinary person in the world cannot detect what is going on under their own noses. These addicts need to meld into society and look normal and they have some good tricks for doing that. It’s important they are not singled out or found out or identified because that would be curtains for them. So they do things like send out memes such as “be kind”, or call for tolerance, they do this so you will allow behaviors that damage society without thinking anything of it. The consequences of their predilection getting out into the public spells death to them because people literally want to kill them off for harming children.
Be careful when you act in revenge. I agree that pedophilia is unacceptable however it is probably a symptom of something very dark in human consciousness – the symptom that comes from a species that systematically kills its own kind.
A world-wide criminal network has basically been a colossal secret, that has lasted eons. They are very inbred and that makes them very deranged. Even a little inbreeding causes madness, therefore one can imagine how unhinged they must be. And one can see with the harebrained ideas they’re always coming out with, ideas such as shielding the sun so we don’t warm the “planet”. Strangely, they never think of reducing fossil fuels so that there won’t be as much CO2 in the air. Because fossil fuels are part of their favorable conditions, it’s like they have a vandetta against life itself. Rather their solutions is to shield the sun, or cull the cows, or force people into 15 minute cities. They don’t see the hypocrisy of their traveling in the latest jets or having massive homes that need to be heated or that culling cows could cause a major rupture in the ecology. They are one-sided and have taught us to see things in a one-sided way also. Of course they are not prepared to sacrifice comfort but quite happy to force that on others.
The thing is they know they are wrong. They try to win consent for their misfit behaviors and predilections by trying to convince us these things are normal. They are mad after all. We shouldn’t expect too much from them and realize they are like toddlers with AK47’s.
Many people talk about hanging them. Oh please don’t talk like that! Please be careful of your words. If we speak of death and wish it upon others, then we will be maintaining the same energy. I call it the energy of entropy which includes the intention to take things down, or to destroy, as well as to desire death. It is an energy that thrives on death. We need this energy, but not in these proportions. It is the energy that decomposes matter which we need. It stays in the dark waiting for life to die so it can come out and feast and thus turn things over. It is an energy that is within our body and our consciousness and lurks there in dark places, shunning the light. Dark places is where it is supposed to be. The light is conscious awareness and it cannot thrive in the “ph” of light. But our thoughts and our projections are too often negative and this gives it food.
The dark energies probably exists in material form as organisms and chemicals. They live within us and direct us and our moods and cravings. This energy gets us to think certain ways so that our body produces certain chemicals. For example, it gets us to be anxious so we produce cortisol and cortisol is what it feeds on. When we have good thoughts, the organisms are balanced, and we produce other chemicals like serotonin, then feeding the regenerative organisms. The way the money system was designed was to maximize thoughts of anxiety and constant existential threat, which lo and behold, produce cortisol.
Thoughts are the source of energy. What we think about mostly and what we speak, is what we summon. If we think about taking something down or we speak it, then we are feeding the dark energy. Thinking of destroying puts our body in a certain frequency, a dense frequency and the frequency this energy thrives on.
Conversely if we are conscious of our thoughts we get to be the writers of our program, we get to be the pilots of our lives. If we are doing things without consciousness, then the organisms run us. I describe this as the program. The program runs us without our knowing, it plays without our thinking about it. It can be helpful if we consciously write the program. But if we don’t, the organisms use humans to bring about their cravings.
Cognitive dissonance is a program. It works by turning away from truths put to it, or denies them or, often the case, ignores them completely. How many times do you see this? People not answering, or walking away from uncomfortable subjects. This is what keeps the program going. For example when you talk to someone who’s in denial of chemtrails, what they usually do is not answer, and slowly or quickly, distance themselves from you for bringing it up and sometimes they call you crazy. Denial happens a lot with the subject of chemtrtails and other subjects that the programmed masses refuse to discuss or debate. That lets the program keep playing on.
Debate is a way we can get to the truth quickly. And that is why there is so little debate today. The truth is like garlic to demons. The ones that are running things know they will look awkward in debates and usually eschew them desperately. The dark energies are doing everything they can to hold onto power as people become more aware. These energies know their days are numbered so they are preparing for the next phase. How they do this is by steering us to unconsciously maintain the belief in authority. Authority means religion as well as politics. They keep those hooks going so they will get their foothold in the next phase which will be after disclosure when everyone will be disgusted by them and want to build a new world. They know they’ll be knocked around and will have to lay low for a while but they will be back in a few generations. They may have done this cycle several times before.
Notice the belief in god is growing? I thought it would be over by 2000 but it’s only grown. The belief in god keeps us from becoming our true selves. I call this condition of being our true selves as “individual sovereignty” but there are no words for it yet (we’ll have to create some!) There are no words for lots of concepts that are happening now for the first time. The language has been manipulated to keep us continuing to play the program, to speak their agenda, to bring forth agendas of death and destruction. The belief in god still puts someone above you and puts you below him, and this is just not reality. It is a myth, a story to comfort our minds and to also keep us like children, so we never discover our true attributes which are “godlike” and able to be used if we only were conscious of them. Maybe we can walk on water, just like the story character, Jesus.
It is probably quite a revelation to imagine that all those stories of god were just made up, like Santa Claus. And probably lots of other stories like viruses being contagious, and genes deciding our health. I remember when it struck me to question the existence of god. It was quite a reflective time. I was so glad in a way because it also meant that the devil is a big fat story.
We cannot know in this condition as we have been so mercilessly dumbed down that we cannot even fathom being a source and that it’s not god, the source is us. Yet I think each one of us is a source. Indeed, every thing is a source but we are too dumbed down and too abused to see ourselves in this vein. If you were to draw it, it would look like little individual bubbles of light, maybe like starlight. Each of us would be our own little light and there are countless other beings like us and different than us and every one of them an individual bubble of light.
I regret to tell you but there is no single god, no sole creator, and that it is a preposterous notion. Nothing in life works alone. Where is Mrs God for goodness sake. You can tell it’s a story written only by (predatory) men because it leaves out the other half of humanity. I know it seems comforting to have this powerful, fatherly figure who cares and loves humans, or so the story goes, however it’s time to grow up out of it. There is no god, and that is why children suffer unspeakable crimes. No god helps them. We are here, it is us. We are the ones who fund it, tolerate it, engage in it (unwittingly perhaps) and ignore it.
It is us who did it, who went along with it. It was fun when it provided us with good stuff. But now we need to be aware of it and our participation in it. The dark energy can only thrive in our “sub conscious” so we must be conscious of it which means we put it into the area of mind where we can choose something other than it. We cannot choose otherwise while we are under its spell because we are not conscious of what we are doing. We are not conscious that we are participating or keeping our light dim. It’s been worked out that way by design. Our systems of money and politics were designed to make this energy thrive and we don’t realize that by engaging with it, we contribute to it.
We need to identify how it is transmitted. The way that it gets our approval and consent is by using the money system and the political system. These are what keep us in the frequency of verticality, of hierarchy, where someone is always over you and someone under you. When people talk about Trump or Biden or Trudeau or any of them, it shows that they haven’t gotten to the root of the problem. They are still in “consciousness kindergarten”. The root of the problem is believing that anyone, anyone at all, is above or below you. That is a two-dimensional interpretation of this existence and we are not two-dimensional, we are multi-dimensional so why short change ourselves? It is simply the wrong frequency to be in to access our dormant attributes and capacities.
These organisms have really done a number on us. We shouldn’t look to the cosmos for aliens because the aliens live within us. We should be looking inside and observing our thoughts because it is our thoughts that determine their food. Our thoughts produce food either for them or for the organisms of their opposite – the energies of regeneration.
We are born into the program and we need to comprehend that we can overwrite the program anytime and in anyway that we choose - using our thoughts. But to overwrite the program we need to be conscious. It takes a little bit of work to change habits but we will be the drivers of our life then.
Our thoughts are “the source”. We have choice at all times. We are the only species that has this quality. Of course that wasn’t taught to us. We were taught to belittle ourselves so we wouldn’t know to summon our true power.
The meme that goes “as above, so below” twists reality or rather inverts it. It is actually “as below, so above”. It is the units that create the collective, and what is projected onto the big stage. There is a feedback loop but we need to understand that that meme was inverted so we wouldn’t understand that the power lies in the small. We don’t even need to have a big stage, for each of our lives are stages in themselves. We don’t need to live vicariously through these falsely-constructed figures called celebrities. Adoring celebrities puts us into that vertical framework again, where we have someone above and someone below. You’re the one below when you have heroes.
Not to say it is wrong to admire people who are outstanding, but we must not worship any icon because worship keeps us in verticality and that’s a dense frequency. Celebrities are all contrived and there are many people in our own circles doing more important things than the celebrities do. The celebrities sold their souls in order to have fame and fortune. It is not an admirable achievement. When we recognize the importance of the people in our own lives, we too become important in their lives and that creates a different condition that humans can exist in with more happiness and satisfaction, not always for greener grass on the other side. We have to think of everyone’s benefit for humanity to go into the next phase that takes us to what we dream of as the golden age. I see it is just around the corner! It doesn’t have to be in five or ten years or even one year. It can happen anytime we decide it and have enough numbers to tilt the scale.
There is no god but there is nature and nature is the universal life source. We are part of nature and she is bigger than us, she is us altogether, she is the womb of all life. Why are we defiling her?
We need a renewed view of what is important. It is important to have a clean environment, to look after all species, to have optimistic, “clean” thoughts and expectations of a splendid future because then we produce a world that life thrives in. Look at us now, such a sad species, poisoning our own life source, desiring to kill others, killing other species and abusing them, torturing our own children. It’s no wonder we’re in such a mess. We do everything against nature.
We cannot fix this mess by thinking we can simply eliminate the “elite” or the cabal or eliminate anyone. That will simply continue the abuse. It is a huge mistake to think that way. We are almost there, don’t blow it now by turning your disgust into wanting to lash out. It is totally anti-biological to systematically kill your own species.
I’m not suggesting we don’t hold people accountable, not at all, but we must figure out other ways instead of killing as that keeps us stupid, it doesn’t allow us to find workable solutions and that’s not good for our overall “evolution”. We have to get out of this primitive way of thinking where we cat on revenge. Revenge is a dark energy.
Evil only exists because we live in a free will realm. When we have free will we can always choose to do evil and we must always have that choice otherwise, we become evil too. If we make the conditions favorable to life, we will not need to eradicate anything. Thinking in terms of eradication and destruction will keep us on the dense frequencies. And we are so close to getting beyond this.
The reason we didn’t see a way out before is because one whole half of human intelligence and intuition has been ignored - for eons! That part is the feminine. Females today have been taught only patriarchal concepts and we have almost lost the feminine concepts. Observe too that the language itself is coined only by males so we only get language that has one-sided perspectives.
I notice women are speaking out lately and it’s wonderful to see. It’s also wonderful to see men listening to women and not just talking to women as though she is an object for his amusement. And I believe the world we are building together is a world where boy or girl, man or woman, we all work things out in the conditions of caring for each other and of course - free speech. Free speech will beget freedom. Free speech is the frequency that enables nature to thrive and entropy to go back into its cranny. We must not talk about destroying evil as it has to live also albeit in much lower quantities. We can all exist in harmony believe it or not, we just have to think differently. We have to think in balance.
The dark energies will feed you the thrill of revenge but look at yourself and why you allowed this to get to the stage we are at. If you use money, if you vote, if you do practically all of what normal people do these days, then you participated in it. We were all fooled. For all the trauma it has caused, let’s use it to learn our lesson. Let’s not let this go to waste or out of our memory.
We must refuse hierarchy and see each other as each being having equal importance. This is a whole new way of thinking. It is thinking in terms of “peership” or true equality where everyone’s time is equally important. And bringing these principles into the forefront of our thinking, will rebalance our frequency. And then we will have access to greater parts of our attributes and capacities. Intentional killing of our species for any reason must be utterly and totally repudiated. Only then will children feel safe to be in this world. As all of us will feel.
Imagine finally putting an end to the wanton killings and destruction, where everyone can live with at least the basics of life and nobody has to fear for their lives. Where we can choose where we go and who to be with and what we want to do. A happiness will ring like never before.
Though we are all heading in unchartered waters, the important thing is to at least face the right direction. What we have done in the past is all wrong. We are at the fork in the road. Choose wisely my friends. And let’s get out of this snag once and for all.
On the material side of things, you are quite right. I concur with everything you just wrote. I only do not dismiss the existence of a immaterial side of things just because we don't see it.
They "double down." The same thing an animal does when it "burrows"