"But he just went on and on about himself. And he didn’t interact. He just spoke about himself, coming up for breath occasionally to listen to the other."

Comedian Louis Black calls this "Ear Rape." I have NO tolerance for it anymore. NONE.

A favorite quote: "To do all of the talking and none of the listening -- is a form of greed."

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Money magics. Print only the principle (and not the interest) and loan it into existence. The alleged (fraudulent) debt can never be repaid.

Some winners, some losers, by design. It's a scam, wholly and completely, and I repudiate it.

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There's a "theory" behind the madness - the PROBLEM is, humans are more than "math equations". But to put it very simply, one man's spending is another man's income. If Joe has a 50K job, maybe he can get 5K credit on his MasterCard. So instead of 50K {not factoring taxes LOL} Joe now has a potential of spending 55K. Credit can be good in that it gives the economy flexibility. It can be bad if inflation gets "out of control". So that's where the Central Bankers come in - to save the day - turning on the "tap" and turning off the "tap" to give the economy the right amount of "fuel". I'm not saying it's good or bad - after all we're dealing with human psychology here LOL. If money is "tight", it's human nature to "hoard" and if spending is another man's income, then NOT spending is {OK can be} another man's demise. So I can see where "credit" can "help" in CERTAIN circumstances. It is highly advised that "credit" be used with extreme caution. Going NO debt is definitely a viable option and I tip my hat to people that operate debt free - including mortgages. Me personally, I have never had a mortgage in my life and don't really want one now. I still use credit on a small scale to leverage other stuff then pay it off very quickly. Back in the day, I did minimum payments on Discover and boy oh boy was that dumb. I finally got that to zero.

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I am not a taxpayer and I didn't receive any convid money either. I didn't want any and wouldn't have taken it anyway. Just like unemployment, I would never resign myself to that. I work for my money.

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I got laid off my job in 2017 and I investigated taking unemployment and man oh man, it was too much of a hassle so I just abandoned the idea of receiving unemployment. I actually did not earn one penny at a "regular" job until September 2022. Then on Dec 20 last month, I quit that job to start "full time" flight training. But looking back, I'm kind of glad I did not take unemployment because it actually gave me peace - I could just take one day at a time to figure out what to do for that day. With unemployment, there's this pressure to be "looking" for the next slob {I mean job - LOL} and they have some weird formula - if you turn down an offer that's 80% of what you were making, then you get penalized or something like that, but if all you do is apply at fast food, then would that raise a "red flag" ?? Ha !! Because it's obvious you'll turn down the fast food job to keep the unemployment checks coming especially if it's more than fast food. I mean seriously, I could have just gone "contracting" like I did in the mid 90's, but man my body was burned out and I just did not want to travel to OKC and Indianapolis and Detroit and Mobile Alabama. I already did that before - I even camped out in my pickup truck in OKC.

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Nice comment Brian. Job = Just Over Broke. Please don't chemtrail us in your new career. Thanks.

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What I'm trying to do is form a free of charge aviation network primarily {but not limited to} for the anarcho/voluntarist community. My aircraft of choice {as of Q3 2025} are the C-182, Cirrus SR22, and Cirrus Vision Jet. I actually was in heavy aircraft maintenance on Boeing and AirBus and Saab and Dougles and C-130's in the USAF. I used to do D checks on Boeing jets and we would remove thousands of parts down to a shell and in 35 years I never ONCE saw a "chemtrail" tank or a "chemtrail" dispensing system let alone a switch or circuit breaker for such a system. We also performed numerous aircraft weigh ins whereby we go through an exhaustive checklist to remove everything in the aircraft so we can calculate basic aircraft weight and center of gravity. Trust me, if the aircraft were dispensing "chemtrails", we would have to verify there was no chemicals in the "chemtrail tank". We did not have to because the aircraft I worked on had no "chemtrails". So I can with confidence conclude that airliners configured for passenger service and carry people in seats, do not dispense "chemtrails". The modern day high bypass turbofan engine {like the CFM56 on the B737 and Rolls Royce RB211 on the B757} will in fact produce CONTRAILS which is just simply water vapor. It looks terrible from the ground and YES it can linger under certain conditions. But this is nothing new, in WW2 when the American Bombers were flying to Germany, they would sometimes leave miles of contrails which IF they could stop it, they would have. They certainly did not "spew" contrails on purpose because it actually made it easier for the Germans to try to shoot them down. Now that being said, it IS possible, that there are a small % of specially modified jet aircraft releasing actual chemtrails. But I speculate these small number of aircraft are chemtrailing on days that regular passenger jets are CONtrailing for plausible deniability. So I'm NOT saying there is no "chemtrailing going on, what I am saying is the vast majority of "terrible" lines you are seeing from the ground are CONTRAILS from high bypass turbo fan jet engines usually at Flight level 350 {35,000 feet} +_ or minus a few thousand feet. Never forget, at 35,000 feet the ambient temperature is about minus 40 degrees F. That is VERY cold.

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Thank you Brian. Sign me up for charter flights from New England states to California and points west.

I stopped flying because I don't like millimeter waves passing through my body and absolutely despise having my balls and ass crack fingered and patted down like I'm some kind of criminal.

Contrails dissipate in under two minutes. Everything else is chemtrails.

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Not entirely true. All a "contrail" is, is a cloud. Clouds don't disappear in 2 minutes, so why should we expect all contrails to disappear in 2 minutes ?? Under certain atmospheric conditions, contrails can linger for a long time. The most likely scenario to leave a contrail is {1} modern day high bypass engines where exhaust temperatures are at 1000 degrees F {2} the ambient relative humidity is low {3} the ambient air temperature is minus 50 degrees F or lower. If you have those 3 parameters, you'll get contrails, and depending on the jet stream they can sometimes linger. The overwhelming proof to my thesis is watch the same aircraft takeoff and land and come in for approach, and you won't see ANY trails coming out the tailpipe. That's how we can automatically eliminate the fuel because takeoff power is the highest fuel flow burn rate and you NEVER see contrails on takeoff on a modern day high bypass turbofan engine. On the old B-707's and old B-727's, you would see some smoke on takeoff because those engines were way less efficient that the high bypass engines. The huge negative with modern day high bypass engines, is they are "bird magnets" because you have that HUGE inlet sucking in all that air.

As far as your other point, I'm 100% with you. As of March 2018, I have not flown on the commercial airlines for the EXACT reasons you pointed out. That's why I'm trying to build a private freedom aviation network, so the freedom oriented traveler can avoid those tyrannical procedures involved in riding as a passenger on a part 121 commercial airliner. Also "COVID" solidified what I had already to come to know as true. When the airlines instituted mask "mandates", that's when I decided I'm DONE with the airlines. The only aviation for me is private.

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Also one more thing - people think they "got" me because they'll say "ah ha !! It's in the fuel !!:. Well again, I spent MANY hours INSIDE the aircraft fuel tanks because I was athletic and most mechanics would say "my back hurts" - "my leg hurts" and I would be the one going in the tanks doing maintenance, I know exactly how a modern airliner fuel tank is built - there are NO chemtrail tanks in the fuel tanks AND while we're at it, it's NOT in the fuel either because airliners have not just one but two fuel filters on each engine {1} a low pressure filter and {2} a high pressure filter. There's no way you're going to run chemtrail chemicals in the fuel without trashing the engine. hen the fuel gets to the fuel control, it MIST be absolutely CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN. We actually do add Prist to fuel which kills microbiological growth but were talking like a MAXIMUM of 1500 PPM usually more like 500 or 1000 PPM. That's way too low to make a "chemtrail" and like I said, the 2 filters would filter it out anyways before it got to the combustion chamber of the engine/s.

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I basically agree with your message PROVIDED we have an understanding of how to get from A to G. Let's say G is this ultimate system where money is absent of current statist "legal tender" bullshit laws and the commercial license is ABOLISHED for ALL "trades". I'll even put up with "licensing" for actual SKILLSETS, but earning money or not earning money from said skillset is irrelevant. You are either competent in whatever skill or you're not. But I digress. So far we agree. But there's also C, D, E, and F we need to get past - THEN we can arrive at G. I think many in the Freedom movement have FANTASTIC ideas, but they forget to stop and ask themselves, HOW DO WE GET THERE ?? See here's the thing - in order for the freedom movement to make it to G, we need to take care of some basics - like oh I don't know - how about Food and water ?? It's not going to do us any good to have a wonderful golden money system, if we have no food and water. And you can't have food and water until you have farms. And you can't have farms until you have land. And unfortunately, like it or not, you can't get land without using the "system". I'm sorry to break the bad news - in the initial stages, you're going to have to use the system in SOME capacity. But we need FARMS. That is an absolute. So my suggestion is partner with a family run organic farm - otherwise known as a "homestead". Or for those that are called, get your own farm. But the freedom movement is going NOWHERE until we figure this farm thing out. So let's get busy - either get your own farm, or get involved in a family run private free market organic "homestead" farm. I'd say let's get to 500 farms - networking with each other and to be involved you don't necessarily have to be miking cows - but be involved in some form of division of labor with the "freedom farm" as the central pillar. Let's get there and then survey the "land" and we can move on to the next phase. EVENTUALLY we will be independent of the current system. WE WILL GET THERE - but we MUST understand SEQUENCE.

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Brian, See denise ward, Sicophiles, right here on SS. Also Christopher Cook. That guy has a clue.

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My economics college "professors" professed that inflation was an increase in the cost of a 'basket of goods', when in reality, inflation is the decrease in the value of the money in circulation (M3 - no longer reported), dut to the introduction (printing/borrowing) of more, endlessly.

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Group interaction etiquette, I like it.

Sounds like New England driving etiquette. If you don't know what that is, try driving in New Jersey, California, or Wisconsin.

You're absolutely right. We can feed off each other, so to speak, when having positive interaction. We don't have to be energy vampires or dominate the timespace!

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Creation and regeneration, got it. Except in self-defense, then it's neutralize the threat, like aim for the kneecaps, got it.

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Denise, if your premise holds true, then the "conquering" aliens committing genocide gleefully in Palestine are not our species. They are 'the other'.

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They certainly seem like another species, this is true. But they are not so alien because look at the USA, and any country, how easily war is resorted to. Most of the time the ones who fight in the war, the ones who make the war possible actually, have absolutely no clue why they are dropping bombs on the innocent people below them. They will do it for a pay check and I submit, this is what is really the alien factor - the idea of using money as the sole motivator for most of the human race's actions. Though I've looked into it, I'm yet to see any evidence of "aliens from outer space". Happy to have that convo though.

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