Part Two
This is a time when we will be shifting frequency I think and quite rapidly. If there is something activists should be aware of is that they must think quickly and coherently, and not be dragged into the malestrom of current events. The events will keep on coming, there won’t be much time to reflect before the next one comes along. Keeping the big picture in mind that we create what we speak and grow what we put our attention on, will keep the ship steady. The future is nothing to be upset about, there is only good to come if we remain calm.
I imagine that the people will start waking up in cascading quickness soon. Oh glory be! I’ve been looking forward to this. They are not going to believe they were so sucked in as they were. They are going to have a deep lack of faith in themselves when they “wake up”. After realizing that they poisoned their children and boasted it to the world, they supported genocide, ignored pedophilia, organ trafficking and a lot more. They have been living as though it’s still 1950. They refused to see the messages in the skies that we are being exterminated. And so they went along and even defended the captor’s right to exterminate us.
I just want to make this quite clear right here and now – we need to stop ANY killing of our species. Let me be a bit more specific – killing will happen, but we must not intend it. If we were resolute about this, as a new society, it simply wouldn’t happen except in the most rarest of occasion. We must hold the belief that killing our own species is absolutely, positively, emphatically, a no-no. Can we all agree on that? Killing our own species is anti-biological because all species work to further their species. None of them work to wipe their species out.
That doesn’t leave out retaliation in self defense of your body or someone else’s. But the intention must be to stop the attacker in the immediate, not to kill them. There may be the very, very, odd time that one must aim to kill in a scenario of self-defense, but in 9910 of cases, stopping them is enough. We really, unequivocally, need to get the idea of killing as a solution for anything, get it right out of our heads.
That means we remonstrate any talk of such things. Start counting the times you see people talking of death. This all bleeds into the dark energies capturing of your life spirit. That’s what it feeds on, death and debilitation, the opposite to the energies of light.
It is a battle but we must not see it as such because seeing it as such is siding with the dark energies. Not only does it make our frequency dense, but it weakens us from thinking in terms of creation and regeneration, and knowing that it is much more powerful. We need not be in battle, but in striving for a world where everyone has equal voice and body autonomy. Simple! If we treat this as a battle, then they will win for sure and that means humanity loses.
We can’t see this yet, we think there is only advantage in battling them back, but no, there are greater advantages if we remain in our frequency of light (rather than density) and put our attention on things we want to see happen. Remember – we summon what we think about mostly.
We have not seen many examples of what humans could be like in a density of lightness, but some people have probably tapped into it a little, people with extraordinary abilities for example. However if they were more advanced in learning what this realm is truly about, they would be capable of what seems to us as special powers - magic, “divine” or endowed.
I know I am going all over the place with this, but I’m confident you’ll stick with me.
I see myself at the front line of going into the convergence. I call it that because it is the collision of many “irregularities” that we ignored for ages, all coming now “to roost”. We have come so far from nature that now our very existence hangs in the balance. Activists who are truly awakening are very aware of this urgency. We have to virtually do everything in a different way because all the ways we have done things are anti-biological.
If activists are truly aware they must know that any talk of killing of our own must be meticulously spurned. Don’t let it be said in your presence without making a comment towards its opposite - life. Champion life - always. Remember that this is a numbers game and there are still too many people asleep. Waking them up with a jolt to their thinking is what is incumbent for us to do. It takes courage sometimes because speaking up about what normally only lies in the shadows, is looked upon with a squint, much like the pure sunlight caused the cave dwellers who first laid eyes outside the cave. Challenging the program will always elicit either people turning away (in denial) or becoming hostile towards you. Often this happens in guises of higher intelligence, credentials or many other guises to try to give the impression they are more knowledgeable than you. Test them out – ask them if they know about terrain theory for example.
This culture is so fucked up, the people just don’t know that they’re fucking it up themselves!
Last night I was on a conference call that we have every week with people who are interested in intentional community. We had a guest speaker on who was a total delight so don’t let the following make you think there is any disfavor towards him.
But he just went on and on about himself. And he didn’t interact. He just spoke about himself, coming up for breath occasionally to listen to the other. I’m so over listening to people lecture. People say I lecture, but they are the ones who actually do. You are not lecturing when you pause what you’re saying each time you hear the voice of another. That’s what I do. Two people cannot be heard at the same time, so we need to have a way of interacting that enables everyone to have their say. The way for that to happen is for everyone to promptly bring their story to a pause as soon as they hear another voice chime in. They can resume their thread after the “interruption”. The idea of interrupting is not right because no one owns the conversation. But people think they do. Why not stop talking while I’m interrupting? Waiting for permission to speak is not for sovereigns. Peers don’t do that. Only those who think they are entitled more than others do that. But it is often unconscious.
Some people think that you must cede to them when they’re speaking. But that says that they deserve some kind of favor. We all have to time what we wish to say with others wish to speak, it’s a skill we need to practice if we want to be sovereign in action and not just words. I believe that this simple adjustment to our habits is absolutely crucial to furthering ourselves into a world that is built on sovereignty and “peerness”, the antithesis of slavery. We have to cede when someone speaks, as soon as we can so the person doesn’t forget what they were going to say. And others will do the same for you, if it became an etiquette we all held to. And this will create a rhythm of speaking that will demonstrate that we are indeed equal peers. It takes the supremacy out of the very basic element of our communications with each other and it will give us a sense of gratification that we all got to say what was on our mind.
I welcome criticism and am curious to know your thoughts. Though I don’t “like” criticism, I can brace myself for it and tally-ho into it. I’d like to feel a lot less tight about it but we can only become that way by practice. Like learning to play an instrument, we are going to hit the sour notes a lot at the start. But keep practicing, and soon we’ll be able to play a tune or two or part of a tune, and that will encourage us up to go on with our advancement. The practice will give us a positive attitude because we will get better at it. It’s one of nature’s beauties that we get better the more we practice anything. An attitude we must have to get through the wave is one of experimentation and optimism. That has its own frequency.
I’m so looking forward to activists hearing my message. I have many more.
You may be asking, what makes me eligible to do this. And that is a fair question. Every question is. I believe I have the greatest information than anyone has right now. And I got that by sheer experience. I went off banking for 12 years. I was a blank, a nobody. I was on no registers. I didn’t have a car, I didn’t renew my driver’s license, I didn’t have loans, or credit cards, I didn’t collect money from government (I got nothing from all those relief checks during covid). Living off the system was one heck of a journey and there are not too many who attempt to live that way. I am back on the system now because I had no helpers, I only had downputters unfortunately.
But I learned much about the way money contorts the human mind and soul. I studied it and can explain it. It makes mercenaries of us all when we use banker’s money. Though that doesn’t mean money itself is evil. No not at all, it is merely a tool, a measurement, a system we all agree to, in order to better our lives. But the banker’s money system is evil. That must be distinguished from other systems of money. It is evil because it provokes constant existential threat due to its being issued with debt. It’s a bit technical but I urge everyone to seek out videos by Mike Maloney on youtube who explains how money is created very well.
But we must talk about alternative systems so we can start using them and thus taking our energy away from the beast.
Basically, they have confused us with unnecessary complication and they NEVER tell you how money is created, not even in the financial colleges. Nobody really understands it except the few that do and know that money comes magically from digits keyed into an account. And then you have to pay it back with years of sweat equity PLUS interest. Am I using too many capitalized words? It’s because when you see it, you cannot believe the extent of the scam. We work practically our whole lives to pay back the bank for money they simply keyed onto a screen. Not only do you have to pay the money you lent from them by your hard work over the years, but you also have to pay interest which often surpasses the value of the loan. Total scam and twisted every which way. No wonder they want to make the understanding of how money is created something that nobody talks about.
I can see what money does to our psyche but not many people can see it. It has made us behave in ways that come from believing in scarcity because that’s the frequency money puts us in. Like saving. Saving means we believe in scarcity.
Many activists are still acting like mercenaries – today I saw The People’s Voice host tantalize his listeners by saying they can hear more about the pedovore gangs if they signed up to his social media account. Really? Is this really how we want to live in the world? I know I don’t want to.
There is no point in complaining about the dastardly things the famous do if you’re swimming in their pool of dark energy yourself. You are still building their system, by talking about them, even against them. You’re even building their system (energy) when you talk about negative subjects more often than positive subjects.
It’s all about ratios and balance. We have abandoned philosophy and so our species just keeps lunging from one calamity to another because all they’re focused on is the pixels, the details that make up each drama. We need to be able to see the overarching picture, and not just the pixels. Then we can see where we are being lured.
I think it is up to activists to start new things and new ways of doing things because the sleepers sure aren’t going to. And don’t give them such a pass, they remain asleep because they don’t want their sense of comfort being disturbed. But it is at our expense if we say nothing.
We are in a tangled knot and how we take ourselves through it, how we lift each other will determine if we are going to get through this and onto the other side – a new time where we live in a world that we love living in, a clean world, and a world that is true to what reality is – a conscious, imaginal organism. A world where what we imagine, and what we speak about - we summon.
"But he just went on and on about himself. And he didn’t interact. He just spoke about himself, coming up for breath occasionally to listen to the other."
Comedian Louis Black calls this "Ear Rape." I have NO tolerance for it anymore. NONE.
A favorite quote: "To do all of the talking and none of the listening -- is a form of greed."
My economics college "professors" professed that inflation was an increase in the cost of a 'basket of goods', when in reality, inflation is the decrease in the value of the money in circulation (M3 - no longer reported), dut to the introduction (printing/borrowing) of more, endlessly.