I like the egalitarian proposal system. It's how it should be but unfortunately it won't replace the current corrupt world government system because God is allowing satan to do whatever he wants with the worlds population because they are sinners and that's why he is shortening life on earth (mark of the beast genocidal jab,diseases,etc). The wages of sin is death (nuclear bombs- end of time).

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What if god doesn't come?

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It goes without saying that he will come like a thief in the night when you least expect it.

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If you act like a thief...then perhaps you are a thief. Of people's energy. Why do you need someone outside of yourself to wait for? I feel deeply that you're being set up. And so are so many who believe in this tale.

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The words- he will come like a thief in the night are Gods holy living words written in the Bible. Don't mock them. It's not acting. It's real. It means be ready (a born-again real deal Christian) before Christs second coming because you don't know when he will arrive. Do you even have the slightest idea of who created you and everything you see and don't see. No one can enter the gates of Heaven without Jesus returning to earth to pick up his brothers and sisters and go home with him to Heaven. You have a lot to learn. If you make the effort to read the king james version of Bible,you will learn. This planet is a temporary home for the human body and our real home in spirit is Heaven. I'm not expecting deeply deceived sinners to understand this.

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Sounds like a scary children's story to me. My parents created me. Your parents created you. If god created you, who created him? Why is it always a him? How can one person create anything on their own? You're very presumptuous saying I have to read this or that, how do you know I haven't already? So you're just going to sit there and wait for this silent character to show up and he doesn't even tell you when? A sinner is a ridiculous notion especially to say a baby just born is a sinner. What the story is all about is letting the energies of entropy (death) take your consciousness. You're virtually giving up your precious life - the life we have on this amazing planet, in the hope that there is a heaven beyond. I don't know what happens when we die but I'm not concerned because I know nature makes sense. We'll probably go on to other cosmic parlor games.

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All sinners should be scared. God is our father and creator of everything you see and don't see. God is extremely powerful,well and truly beyond human comprehension. Who are you to question who created God. Gods children don't question him. I didn't say you have to read anything. If you did read every word in the Bible,you didn't learn anything because you didn't understand or you chose to ignore it.

Gods holy living words in the Bible clearly indicates he is not silent. I'm not waiting for Christs second coming. He will come while i'm living on this corrupt planet. The Angels in Heaven don't know when. Only God knows the day and hour of the end of time. If the parents are sinners then their kids are sinners. If there is no Heaven then there's nothing to live for. Our human existence is temporary. I seek what is permanent and 100% genuine,which is Heaven.

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I found you from a YouTube video that was linked from substack, circular world, still digesting your egalitarian representation as my awareness of democracy without constitutionally mandated rights results in no rights and tyrannical rule by power grabbing twats such as the commies the islamists or Rome or the latest iteration the NATO American entity

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Delete the word or. It's the commies,islamists,rome (rome doesn't deserve a capital r) and nato (no capital letters for nato).

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Congratulations, this is a superb outline of the dynamics of society's mental and emotional slavery. The individual responsibilities that people must assume in order to "grow up" and take care of themselves will be overwhelming to many readers. The increasingly obvious and massive betrayal of human respect and liberty by our leaders is helping to push people in the right direction and to recognize their own innate sovereignty.

The main problem with the Egalitarian Proposal System is that it would perpetuate the illegitimate rule by majority. Just because more people support an unjust act than those who oppose it doesn't confer legitimacy. Liberty means individuals are free to choose and act according to their own free will as long as doing so doesn't disrespect or interfere with the rights of others to do the same.

Assuming that most people have enough knowledge and expertise to make decisions for others whom they know nothing about is absurd. Also, the censorship and control of information makes truly informed consent impossible without devoting a huge amount of time to research, time that most people simply don't have or want to invest.

"...what could be a better criteria to get things done than what most people want?"

Individual sovereignty and responsibility or responsible self-government. We don't need to vote at all for the approval of others. We need only govern ourselves in a way that respects the individual rights of everyone else to do the same.

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A Republic or a Democracy? Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?


It sucks! How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?


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Count me in. However, liars need to be banned from positions of authority.

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That would rule out most people, wouldn't it?

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It's a choice. It would not rule me out. I am a truth teller.

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Sounds great, at least in theory. But, what would stop it from devolving into ochlocracy (mob rule, or tyranny of the majority)? We already know the answer. Only a strong Consititution and Bill of Rights would be able to stand in the way of that, even if not perfectly. Interestingly, the word "constitution" literally means "health", and it was no accident that was the name given to that document that is unfortunately more likely to be honored in the breach than in the observance.

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I'm sorry to say but what makes you think a constitution would work when we are in this mess? The one we have didn't "work". It's a totally botched mess. Nothing written on paper "works" it's a silly idea. What works is proper ethics that are inbuilt into our psyche through education and training. But what ethics do we have? We kill our own species and "honor" people who do. What could be more bizarre. We have mob rule right now. What would prevent things going south would be open data, where we can see the data from transactions. That is what keeps us safe. We will be free to walk around anywhere without the threat of predators because they don't want us to know who they are, they don't want to be identified. It does mean that there is no privacy but there isn't any now, you are just made to think you have privacy but the government knows everything you do, surveills everything and will only be more snoopy as time goes on. We will be locked into electronic cages where our every move will be decided by someone else. We are on the crux of that right now. It is amazing to see so much casualness. We are under siege and everyone is playing tiddlywinks.

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Ah, so you think the "Panopticon Effect" from abolishing privacy would result in overall better behavior of humans. So much so that it will make written laws obsolete. Perhaps, but at what cost? True, privacy as we knew it may already be largely extinct today, but that was a fairly recent development, around the same time (not coincidentally) that the Constitution went largely de facto extinct as well. The Constitution wasn't perfect, but at least it has been at least somewhat of a speed bump on the road to serfdom. What I'm trying to say is, let's not throw out the proverbial baby with the bathwater.

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It takes a new kind of thinking to keep up with the realities of the world we are in today. Technology is out and there is no putting Pandora back in the box. Yes the Constitution and all those other tools kind of worked. I say they didn't but some people think they did. All they were were appeasements to keep people enslaved - there was never any real freedom not for anyone, not even the wealthy because of the basis of our culture resting on debt. We're always digging a hole no matter where we come. The material prizes are just the shiny parts. Our souls have been lost in the maelstrom. Now we have to hang onto what's left and regain our ground. Privacy used to exist but it doesn't anymore. There is no other way to see it. We can safeguard it in small ways but we are in the digital age now where everything is hackable. It's important to realize that living in the open will actually have the effect of making psychopaths run for cover. That is why they don't want openness. That is why they are always on the side of censorship. I suggest we try these new concepts in about three towns or cities and see what results. It could be with people who want it that way even though they live amongst people who don't. We need to test things that are done differently because we cannot keep using concepts that were for another time which is now irrelevant. Information travels much more quickly now and we are hampering ourselves and the benefits of technology if we remain mired in the ways of the olde worlde where information traveled at a snail's pace. It would benefit you as everyone else. We are entering a new dawn and we cannot let ourselves be held back by the shackles of the old. (I'm not suggesting that everything new is good though)

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It's going in the right direction, but... I think it makes things more complicated than needs be. I dd a few short videos that describe what I envision:

Solutocracy (7 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/solutocracy:c?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

The Detailed Blueprint (for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns) (7 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/the-detailed-blueprint-vocal-redo:9?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

Abundancism (10 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/abundancism:8?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

When enough of Us stand sovereign and co-create better, the psychopaths presently in power will have no more control.

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I have binge-watched all your videos a few months ago and loved them! They speak my lingo. So you're saying you don't think we need any kind of structure? I think we do. The Egalitarian Proposal System is not complicated at all but to write it it may sound so, like writing how to tie up your shoelaces. It is so simple and natural and works in small groups like families as well as big groups like states or regions. You do have a structure for dealing with problems where it begins at the local level and moves upwards to the bigger audiences if solutions aren't found. I like that. But please don't dismiss the Egalitarian Proposal System because when there are a lot of people wanting different things like say some want roads built or bridges or tall buildings, we need a way to find a large consensus that agrees to it or disagrees. A large majority is the way to determine what proceeds. Nothing else makes more sense. Let's have a discussion? We hold talks on Sundays US Eastern time at 5:30pm. If you are interested I'll give you the link to the meeting room. Your ideas are very aligned with my own and I'd like to share an exciting project I am involved in which I think you'd find exciting too.

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Dec 21, 2022Edited
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It's true that people mostly have no idea about sovereignty. It can be quite debilitating thinking of it like this. But we must remember also that it takes a few to start things going in a new direction. Margaret Mead made a quote like that. Then when the few start it, the followers follow because that's what followers do! So it is up to us "who know" to get the ball rolling. Comments and discussion is the way to do it, no wars anymore. Joy to the world!

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Dec 22, 2022
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I totally empathize with your experience. Today though there are people touting this and that from all corners. And it's only ever theoretical. People want to see something in action. They are followers and if they don't have something to follow, they'll remain in the same groove. Pre paid jobs sounds interesting and I'd like to hear more about it. Many ideas are combining now it's like we all have a piece of the puzzle. The Egalitarian Proposal System first needs the theoretical part but once we know it, we practice it ourselves in our everyday life. We observe how it could expand into bigger numbers so that we relinquish the idea that anyone else makes decisions for us without our explicit participation and consent. The most important and urgent thing however is to get off the money system as the money system is the electricity that gives them the power. Talks are underway for a people's currency. We had a long break as one of the founders moved to another country but now are resuming the talks within the next week. If you are interested, please get in touch and I will pass you the details. You will be very welcomed.

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Can you please explain what you mean by people's currency? Do you mean hugs and kisses type accolades as in social inspiration/reputation only or is there something more to it?

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George Orwell and Aldous Huxley tried to wake people up. They both were hip to how utopian schemes usually fared in the long run due to secular oriented self centered human nature and the tendency of people to think that "THIS TIME IT WILL BE DIFFERENT BECAUSE "WE'RE" DOING IT! WE ARE SOMEHOW SPECIAL, SO WE CAN PROCEED AGAI WITH THE USUAL UTOPIANESQUE FOLLY, WITH DIFFERENT RESULTS"

Classic definition of insanity!

"Some animals are more equal than others."

-George Orwell


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