Holy Moly, Wanted to reply again, and was not able to. So here I am

That Brian is one Mega Typer fo' sure. Looks like he spent a solid hour and a half convincin' himself of somethin' or other here. I sure don't need to waste time on any of it.


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Still won't allow me to sub. Doesn't matter.

It's a shame you had to land in Boston. Anything west of the Cascades is a different land altogether. It is of the Ring of Fire. Very alive.

Boston represents the oldest of the "blue blood monies" of Europe. After all, Ghislaine had no problem buying a million dollah house in NH, and carrying on. Their bases in that area of New England are long established. I got a taste of it at a special summer program for advanced studies held for exceptional student throughout the state in the summers at an elite male academy there. They were grooming us for use. The opulence was on offer. Made me suspicious.

You are so right about the importance of feeling free, of being free to speak one's mind. To ask the real questions. To name a spade a spade. We've seen in the past four years just how dear people actually hold this. We've been censored since we learned to speak, and most cannot admit this, for they do it as a matter of course themselves. That's the source of denial. The insistence on keeping that tactic available.

That was the response I always got from anyone who was willing to admit to the chemtrails, etc. "I have no power to change that. "

That made me angry. All I could come up with in myself as response was "good luck telling that to "god" when you get asked what you did and did not do, and why".

There's no "free speech" even here on substack. I've watched ...... doesn't matter, the names, so many do it....alienate and lose all their best commenters, censor folks for "a hundred years", oh, such ridiculousness!! ...and simply bask in a comment section which was like hearing folks walking on eggs for a bit there, and now is simply an adoring adoring, and the word is actually used repeatedly , adoring audience of sycophants. Extraordinary!!! Assuring no uncomfortable observations are made nor questions posed. Hello? What's to trust?

My "trust" in humans is measured by their "income". The higher the "income", the less I trust the "out-comings". Simply because money doesn't talk, it swears.

That kind of swearing is polite though. LOL

A note of nostalgia regarding the Boston Trains:

They taught me how to ride no hands and balance. IT was a developed skill I was proud of, and relished practicing. I am after all a rather good dancer!!

One day, also, I was given a really special experience on the overhead going over the Charles River into south Cambridge. It had been a long day, it was about four thirty, and my children and I were tired. I was staring out the opposite windows, mindlessly as we will, and suddenly I noticed a person sitting opposite to us, on a sideways seat, and I was dropped into their mind for a cosmic second. And when I came out spirit said to me, "You see? It's different, right?"

I can't explain that any other way than how it happened. I was given the experience of an entirely different context, embodiment, perspective. It was a major gift, and a major shift. 1978-79.

Yes, it's so sad, so tragic, that as parents , we were mindlessly coerced into accepting strangers injecting us and our children. Some of us were "saved" by simple grace I imagine, early in the game. I can see , in their lives , the horrid effect those had on my first two, though they only received a couple.

I have no idea how many or whether each of them has taken them on themselves. It's a tragic way to prove your "hippie mom" to be "wrong". I wasn't ever a hippie anyway, I'm the folk the hippies mimicked. The Real People. We on the east coast considered ourselves "radicals", and "freaks". We were about the political, not so much the drugs.

It was a brilliant Vietnam Vet in Hawaii, delightful man carrying his burden of horror with grace and Chicago-style, who clued me into the money game. He said to me one day "Money is a con game. "

"How's that? " I responded.

"YOu have to have confidence that piece of paper or coin is worth anything. "

Bingo . Even an eight year old can understand that.

Keep writing. You are a very very good writer. We need more of this on substack Sorry I was so long getting here. It's just been a time of overwhelming personal grief and loss, and I haven't been able to handle all that much, or handle well at all. All things pass. My ticket out of the Inferno is being processed.

I was thinking recently that it would be nice to be able to have a clear indication, maybe a "grouping" of the substackers who actually write. I've encountered so many accounts that just post videos and sell books and stuff. And substack is getting into the video market big time now, where the "money" is of course. As pornography taught them well.

Yes, I'd like if the real writers were somewhat separated and indicated.

I'm fine with places that give a transcript. Best of both worlds. It's too much trouble to go back over a video again and again to study the points made. Probably why they push video so much. It goes right past the learning centers, and simply embeds in the back of the brain.

I argued once with a Prof during my degree track over her assertion that racism is the initial "divide", or ism, or whatever. The initial "us and them". I argued at first that no, it's sexism. And then I thought about it more, and realized, wait a minute...what about this "god"/"Human" split? That's the biggie.

Throw in "original sin", a true projection, and wammo. Mea culpa mea culpa.

It's all so weird. And yesterday, I had experiences all day that made me want to create a post titled "Little Sorceries Everywhere". And it got me to thinking....is sorcery the first technology?

And what would that say about all technology?

We'll not know until we take this shit down. I've seen first hand what it does . What are people not willing to see there? Damn we are in so much trouble.

And Disneyland is more popular than ever.

Denise, the people of this USA of Europe have been in massive denial for centuries now. They got the place through genocide, and it continues to this day. And they damn well know it.

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There's very few people who DESPISE government - especially judges and police more than I do. I'm a "conspiracy" guy. But each theory must be tested as its own separate deal. Some conspiracy theories are true, some are not. The earth is ROUND and a sphere, but most likely the moon landings were faked ALTHOUGH the Apollo and Shuttle actually did go in circles around the earth - over and over and over LOL. Commercial jet airliners THAT CARRY verifiable PEOPLE do not produce chemtrails - because there's no place to put the chemtrail tank. On modified aircraft such as tankers and fire fighter aircraft, the seats have been taken out so the modified storage tanks can be installed. This is how a "chemtrail modified" aircraft would also be done up. Essentially you're trading people for SPECIAL payload.

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What years did you work in the industry?

Who do you work for now?

Answer these questions or shut up.

You cannot be helped.

Help yourself to learning, or be convinced you know it all.

‘Really don’t care. Bye bye.

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1983 to 2017: in chronological order: US Air Force, American Eagle, Dalfort Aviation, Express One, ATA Airlines, AAR Oklahoma, and Associated Air Center. Aircraft maintenance experience on the following: C-130, Convair 580, Saab 340, B-707, B-727, B-737, B-747, B757, B767, B-787, and AirBus A319/320. As pilot I'm currently at about 215 hours {which is not much} and am studying to get Instrument Rating. Ultimate aviation goal is get a Type Rating in the Cirrus Vision Jet. Thanks for asking. Anymore aviation questions feel free to ask. - Oh, I just remembered something - usually on the "belly" of large aircraft, you'll find the Air Conditioning "packs". This is what pressurizes the aircraft and regulates the temperature of cabin air. Inside the "pack", is a moisture Seperator that takes the water out of the conditioned air. The water is drained from a drain on the belly.

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Wow. I was allowed to like this! It's excellent. Thank you.

so many points I want to add to. For some reason, I wasn'nt allowed to subscribe. Let's see if I can now.

Such clearly stated "meanderings" .

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Substack doesn't allow me to "like": either. I wish they would get it right, it makes me nervous. I have suspected Substack may be a lure for futuristic writers and then they';ll drop a bomb on us like what usually happens, or start censoring. Why isn't it registering our "likes", I'd like to know. Yes please do make every point you can think of. I want to make a fuss. I want women to make a fuss especially.

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oh, women make "a fuss" alright, they ceaselessly attack one anothe in order to maintain their pecking place in the pathetic patriarchy money scheme

there's a lot of disappearing going on , as per the get go in America

Same ones doing same same.

Latipova values her immigrant American right to free speech, while censoring native born citizens left and right. What a crap show.

I heard the draft revival spoken of as "extermination replacement agenda", and I couldn't help but credit that one with doing precisely that in her stack. Now she has a vewy vewy careful and simply gushingly adoring "following", which I suppose has her not having to stay at those disappointing $400 a night hotel rooms. I'm sure that when she flies to Amsterdam to visit museums..."inside the museum, infinity goes up on trial; voices echo "this is what salvation must be like after a while".,....the rooms are much much better. She comes after all from excellent warring Europe. And whatever deals went down in Las Vegas, not a word 's been whispered of that highly advertised affair since.

Laugh at them, It's the only way you'll survive and enjoy the fight. Laughier is like throwing water on the "witch". Melts 'em.they cannot tolerate being lauhghed at.

Time to crucify them all on the Comedy Stage. We'll use their accumulated and realized "stock options" for props, eh?

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Well today in North Texas the skies had normal traffic like always and not ONE single solitary con/chem trail. And Texas has not passed a "law" making it "illegal" to spray the skies. So how come no trails of ANY kind today ?? Did all the pilots decide to not activate the "chemtrail" switch in their respective cockpits today ?? I thought I heard someone "say" 2 days ago that modern day high bypass jet engines emit more emissions than the older jet engines did. Yea but, it's the same exact engines that flew over my head today - HIGH BYPASS JET ENGINES and how come no "smoke" coming from the exhaust ?? We'll I'll tell you why, it's because the conditions of the atmosphere today was not conducive for jet engines leaving contrails. Maybe tomorrow it will be different. It has to do with temperature and relative humidity. Those things change because the earth's weather is dynamic. NOW that all being said, that gives my theory a little more credibility. IF there are BAD guys in MODIFIED jet aircraft spraying actual CHEMTRAILS, {which is totally possible} in order to maintain plausible deniability, it would make sense to me that the BAD guys would spray the Chemtrails on days that the commercial airliners were making lasting CONTRAILS as a cover. And likewise it would make sense that the BAD guys would HALT chemtrail operations on days that commercial airliners were NOT making ANY trails of any kind - like TODAY over North Texas. Like for example today over North Texas, we know that 100's and 100's and 100's of commercial airliners were NOT leaving ANY trail of any kind. So had the BAD guys decided to spray Chemtrails today over North Texas, you would see 100's of aircraft leave NOTHING behind and perhaps a 1/2 dozen aircraft leaving Chemtrails and THEN people would have actual proof that something is fishy. But since we have proof that IF there are BAD guys spraying Chemtrails, they are at the very least IN SYNCH with the commercial airliners contrails or lack thereof - which means if you want the world to give you credibility in your claims, you really need to be scientific about this. Because they will shoot holes in your arguments if all you do is say "oh they're spraying us like bugs" but have nothing substantial to back up your claim. And the reason I'm making a big deal out of this, is when you do that, you are HURTING the freedom and liberty movement NOT helping it. So PLEASE do it the RIGHT way, if you want to make a public claim, please have facts. For this particular issue you need aviation comm scanners, airliner flight aps, telescopes, and spotters so we can "toss out" the commercial airliners and the tail numbers left over are the POSSIBLE culprits. That's what this is going to take IF there are actual chemtrails being sprayed {from a handful of aircraft} - YES it will be kind of like trying to find a neddle in a haystack. In the meantime, BOYCOTT crop dusting !! Crop dusting is the REAL environmental disaster !! Crop dusting is PROVABLE chemtrails !!!

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You can believe anything you want but what if you're wrong? What if they really are spaying chemicals from the skies? That would mean you're doing yourself and everyone else a disservice. And what is the reason for this subject never being mentioned on the news or any other media outlet? It's as silent as the pedophile ring ruling the world. Maybe you think that doesn't happen either. They don't spray everyday, and the conditions are often the same from one day to the next. But do you really think the technology is THAT bad over all these years when we didn't see trails in the skies when we were young. The planes must have gotten better. I see you have a mental block and cannot fathom that this could be real. It's a similar mental block to those who cannot see they are being wiped out by vaccines or fluoridated water. Ok so there's nothing in them as you say - so why is it kept so silent - why wont people talk about it? Why won't any politician address it? Notice in schools they are really slapping us int he face by calling these artificial clouds "homocumulous". The clouds spread in the sky making a blanket covering of white-gray. Contrails don't do that. And with modern jet engines, least of all. I know it's a horror, but we are being sprayed poisons by these planes so next time you see criss-crossing "clouds", take a deep breath and remember - your government is caring for you.

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The modern day high bypass jet engine is much much much much cleaner than early day jet engines. In the early days when jets took off, they left black smoke; today's jets with high bypass engines don't leave any smoke on take off. And the takeoff phase is important because that's the maximum rated power being used. All other {normal} phases of flight you won't use full max power, only partial power. The MORE efficient the engine is, the MORE the exhaust contains water. Hence the CLOSER the engine comes to {as if} it were running on pure hydrogen. If we use pure hydrogen as fuel we get Hydrogen + Oxygen = water + heat. Since pure hydrogen as a fuel is not currently safe enough, we have to use Hydrocarbonized Jet fuel. So the more efficient the engine is, the LESS hydrocarbons you get in the exhaust and the MORE water vapor you get. So when you fly at 35,000 feet, the standard temperature is about minus 54 Celsius {minus 40 Celsius = minus 40 Fahrenheit - the only point where the 2 numbers match} and if the relative humidity is at a certain range, the exhaust leaving the engine tail pipe is mostly water {steam} and some hydrocarbon {not much with modern engines} and surrounding the exhaust is VERY COLD DUCTED fan air {which is pushing the airplane forward - action/reaction} and the 2 meet at the same point just aft of the engine and WALLA - you get a SPECTACULAR CONTRAIL. It's WATER turning into teeny tiny ice chrystals - that's ALL it is - well let me qualify that - that is from commercial jet airliners because it is impossible for a commercial jet airliner to produce a "Chemtrail" because there's nowhere to place a chemtrail tank on an airliner. You obviously can't install it in the cabin because that's where the seats are. You can't put it in the cargo bins because that's where you carry luggage. You can't put it in the wings because that's where the fuel goes. You can't put it in the non pressurized tail section because {1} it would interfere with the horizontal stabilizer jack screw and {2} it would send the CG near or beyond the aft limit. {having an aft CG on an airplane is NOT a good thing} Now like I have said 100 million times already, YES it is possible that chemtrails are being sprayed in highly MODIFIED aircraft, but certainly not in high numbers - at least not in the high numbers of commercial jet airliners. And IF these modified aircraft are spraying us like bugs, they are OBVIOUSLY doing when the commercial jets are making regular standard water vapor produced contrails as a cover and for plausible deniability.

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Sorry, but you're talking out of your cloacal aperture here.

You are presenting an emotional argument that makes little sense.

You need to study this and work on your cognitive dissonance at the same time.

As a "scientist of aviation" as you present yourself here, you are having a damned hard time accepting a new paradigm. This is the fault line of scientism.

At first it was only military aircraft doing it. In about 2003, an older military "wife" told me clearly "Oh, no. It's not just the military planes. Aloha Airlines has been retrofitted to spray, and many others. "

Aloha had gone "bankrupt" before the transition. Yeah, transitoning. Shocking.

More shocking how little you've bothered to actually know, however.

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OK show me photos of the modification. And you're really going to believe a "wife" who's never actually worked on an aircraft ?? I'm not an aviation "scientist". I'm a licensed pilot AND a licensed mechanic. Over 20 years working maintenance on all the Boeings and Air Busses. Never ever seen a chemtrail tank. Where does this "wife" think the chemtrail chemical tank is located at ?? I'm just curious. I'm literally picturing the aircraft structure in my head and am trying to think where you would put the chemtrail chemical tank ?? And how do you fil, it up ?? Is there an access door with a quick disconnect ?? And I'm SORRY = you're flipping 100% WRONG WRONG WRONG - the pilots would absolutely have to know about it because they need to calculate weight and balance. You need those numbers to program the Flight management computer which gives you trim settings and V1 speeds. And if I'm not mistaken, your mach numbers are going to change as well {at high altitudes you fly by % of mach} - also your maneuvering speeds too. If Alaska Airlines modified their aircraft, then it would have been after they sold the aircraft most likely. And I just thought of something = most airlines LEASE their aircraft - you can't just go honky dory go modifying aircraft - you can't imagine how much paperwork would be involved. Can you imagine the Aircraft leasing manager learning his airplane has been modified ?? He's probably call the FBI or some shit. You can't just go nilly willy modifying aircraft - it's a HUGE process. Then on top of that, once you modify it, you have to do an aircraft weigh in. That's a huge ordeal. You have to find a hangar to weight the aircraft. You can't weigh it outdoors. Can you imagine when managers start asking "why are we weighing this aircraft ??". "well, ugh some men in black installed a chemtrail system. The leasing manager would be furious.

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PS When you don't see chemtrails in your tiny area, check out the sites that show you the radar and satellite images of the entire country. They spray for a purpose, and they spray strategically where they want to affect. That's not so hard to figure out, now, is it?

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That's flawed logic. We know that under certain conditions and high altitudes we get contrails. But 200 miles away maybe the atmosphere changes and no contrails are produced. The other thing is you said that the pilots don't know what's going on. So how in the heck are the chem trail tanks being refilled before each flight ?? You got fuelers refueling the fuel tanks, and you got baggage handlers putting luggage in the cargo holds, and you got catering trucks putting food and drinks through the service doors, and you got the Co-pilot {usually - sometimes the Captian does it} doing a pre flight walk around. So WHERE do the chemical refillers come in ?? Are they driving a truck ?? And where do they service the chemtrail tanks ?? I've never ever seen one of these people. If you have a photo of one of these guys, I'd like to see it.

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Pardon me, I've studied this for many years. All the commercial airlines were long ago retrofitted for spraying whatever, it's not just chemtrails. Some chemical over Seattle because of the "tree bugs". Sure. I witnessed this from the airplanes in motion.

Secondly, the pilots are not in any way involved. The entire agenda is controlled centrally through "NASA" and "Raytheon". And yes, they have to work with the Moon, they know it's bigger than them . I've watched this for years. The pilots don't "push buttons" . They have no control over this whatsoever. And you'll get thrown off your flight if you mention it.

It's near impossible to produce contrails anymore as the upper atmostphere is intensely heated. If you want to actually know more about all of this, go read the years and years of education at geoengineeringwatch.org. Don't mind the maggots. Dane had acquired a "cia whistleblower" along the line, and things like DEWs were not allowed. But how the geoengineering "solar radiation management " agenda works, you'll find there in the first years of postings. And comments.

"Ionosphere Heaters", as well as Nexrad, Doplar, 5G, etc. all are microwave based weapons. Stick y our head in a microwave oven for a while and tell me what it does.

Did you see the 90 degree angles all over the clouds? Microwave pusing clouds in an ionized sky? The chems are heavy metals which ionize the sky for control and manipulation.

You are welcome. Now go learn before you argue.

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They're not always 90 degrees. Those are merely IFR flight paths. You got 100's of airplanes going to 100's of different places, of course when contrails are being produced, they will Criss cross each other.

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well you may have "studied" it for years, but I was an airliner mechanic for many years. I've done many a heavy "C" and heavy "D" check and I can rest assure there are no modifications done on commercial airliners to "spray" chemicals. Also I can attest that there are no "chemtrail" tanks. You say that the pilots would have no control over this. Total nonsense and here's why - because the pilot must know the weight of the aircraft. When the pilot plugs in the information into the FMC {flight management computer}, the FMC gives all kinds of stuff - where to set the trim for takeoff AND V1/V2/ & Vr speeds. Another reason the pilot needs to know the exact weight is in case the crew has to make a quick return. Sometimes you have to let fuel burn off because you have a max landing weight. Other reasons is on hot days when the density altitudes are high, you may have to unload baggage and people. The numbers have to be exact. This is because the aircraft may fly great on 2 engines, but in the event of an engine failure, the aircraft needs to be able to climb out on one engine. That's what V1 speed is. As you roll down the runway, you're looking for V1. Any engine failure BEFORE V1, you can do a rejected takeoff {RTO} because you have enough runway to stop. However, any engine failure AFTER V1, you NEED to be able to takeoff because you don't have enough runway to stop. The other thing is when a pilot declares an emergency, they are required to inform ATC how much fuel they have on board as well as any other potential CHEMICALS that could catch on fire. That way ATC can tell the airport Fire Fighters what they're dealing with. Again for the 500th time, commercial airliners are not equipped to blast "chemtrails" out the back. As many inspections and maintenance I have done, as well as remove and install entire engine packages, I can rest assure there are no special mods on commercial airliners. PERHAPS on some modified military aircraft - but not on everyday commercial airliners. But I'll tell you what, show me photos of where these spray nozzles are AND show me photos of where the chemtrail tanks are.

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I've witnessed them, from an airplane seat, coming out of the wings. When I was in a turbo prop, next flight out of Seattle, the spray came out from the underbelly.

I don't care about what you think you know. I trust my own senses. I'd be stupid not to. It's simply "Observational Science", my convinced Whatson.

When did you cease working as an airline mechanic? What company did you work for? What years? Who said they "blast out the back"?

Yada yada blah blah. You aren't convincing anyone but yourself. Why waste your time? You are convinced. Conceited and convinced.

Let's just leave it at that. There's no such thing as chemtrails. All a fucking world wide fantasy that stupid folks all over the planet have fantisized at the same time.

How we all wish we could be as rational and blind as you.

Feel better now?

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In humid environments, the sharp edges of flight control surfaces can produce contrails. I NEVER said chemtrails don't exist. What I said is they don't exist on airplanes carrying passengers because there's people sitting where the storage tanks would need to go. In a modified aircraft, they probably do exist. As far as when I worked as a mechanic - from Nov 1983 to May 6, 2017. I'm currently training to become instrument rated as a pilot and my ultimate aviation goal is get type rated in the Cirrus Vision Jet which definitely does not have a chem trail tank LOL. But seriously, you should calm down a little. I'm a freedom and liberty guy. The reason I'm expanding my flight credentials is to start a part 91 free of charge aviation network for the freedom and liberty community using the Cessna 182 and Cirrus Vision Jet. That's what gets me going everyday - trying to make that happen. Please quit being so flipping sensitive. If you want to debate facts, then let's go. Whenever people make a claim, they need to back it up with evidence otherwise the Statists will just make a laughing stock of us.

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May 29·edited May 29

All good points - even the chemtrail points. The difference being is that when I think of chemtrails, I think of crop dusters which are literally spewing chemtrails. The vast majority of lines in the sky at high altitudes are CONTRAILS. And here's why you see them more now than in the past. It's because of HIGH BYPASS JET ENGINES. When you pack a bunch of air molecules together and it's extremely cold, and mix it with heat from the exhaust, the water vapor turns into water droplets which in turn freezes and you get CONTRAILS. Think of it this way: have you ever ridden on a jet and noticed contrails being formed off the wingtips ?? All that is packing a bunch of air together and it is condensing. The same thing happens with high bypass jet engines that are low to the ground such as a Boeing 737. If there is moisture on the ground, you can sometimes see condensation "tornadoes" being sucked into the engine. Also another point is the vast majority of air traffic at high altitudes are commercial airliners and they are not configured to hold a "chemtrail" tank. Where would you put it ?? Not in the cabin because you have passenger seats. Not in the cargo bins because you need that for luggage. Not in the fuel tanks because that's where you store fuel. And not in the fuel itself because the filters would filter out the chemtrail chemicals. Jet airliners have 3 sets of filters: {1} screens {2] low pressure {3} High pressure and besides that, the chemicals would destroy the fuel control mechanisms which are highly highly highly complex. Now it is true that the additive PRIST is added to jet fuel on a limited basis, but in very low ratios - to combat biological growth in the fuel. Yes there are organisms that will EAT jet fuel - I used to get fuel samples from jet aircraft and send them to labs to be tested. Now with all that being said, YES it is POSSIBLE that a handful of highly MODIFIED aircraft could be spraying actual chemicals at high altitudes most likely on days that the airliners are producing CONTRAILS. That way they could do their evil deed and blend right in. BUT, before the freedom and liberty community goes 1/2 cocked and says "look up in the sky it's chemtrails", you might want to be scientific about it and step #1 would be to "eliminate" {not literally LOL} the commercial airliners which is easy to do by observing public data. Any aircraft left over that is producing high altitude trails are the only possible bad guys and even they may or may not be a bad guy. You would have to do more "eliminating". At that point, you might need high powered telescopes because most likely a bad guy will not be transmitting ADSB data which is the data used for tracking flights on Flight Aware. Also it is interesting to note, you hardly ever see smaller business jets leave miles long contrails because they don't use high bypass engines {which is why they tend to fly higher than the airliners because of efficiency} - there would be no place to install a high bypass engine on a small jet, because high bypass engines are MASSIVE. So small business jets use medium {or low} bypass engines and they don't leave miles long trails which means IT"S THE HIGH BYPASS ENGINE LEAVING THE MILES LONG CONTRAILS. Simple deduction using the process of "elimination".

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Perhaps You can explain why contrails used to dissipate completely in about 30 seconds. Every one of them. I know. I was fascinated by the contrails growing up, and, ironically, wished they would stay and paint trails in the sky. But they NEVER did,

It was in 1987 that I saw the first trail that did that. It took maybe a decade for those trails to nearly all last, but there still to this day are some trails that look like they did when I was growing up.

So... Why did the trails used to dissipate so quickly, and now... They don't dissipate, but spread out, create haze, hang in the sky, and turn blue skies gray?

And... Why do They find aluminum, strontium, and barium (and other stuff) in a top layer in soils with none found in the soils under houses? Soils that were landscaped but now have that layer...

And... Why, when Tennessee passed a legalate stating that no spraying was allowed, did the skies clear up? They still have air traffic. But no "contrails" but the ones like I remember from back in the day.

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It's due to the implementation of more efficient engines - i.e. The High Bypass Engine. Think of it this way: in a piston engine, a more rich fuel mixture leads to cooler exhaust temperatures because fuel acts as a coolant - but this is very inefficient especially with the price of aviation fuel. If you LEAN the fuel mixture in a piston engine, you get hotter exhaust temperatures thus a corresponding increase in fuel efficiency. {this is OK as long as the engine internal metallurgy can handle the higher temps} Well the same thing is happening on a High Bypass Jet Engine. The engine is burning fuel at a higher temperature than older jet engines, and at the exact same time, the bypassed fan air {which is what pushes the jet forward - Newton's action - reaction} which is a DUCTED condensed enormous amount of air is simultaneously mixing with the exhaust and shazzam !! you get a "spectacular" contrail. The reason why it "lasts" longer is because there's more water vapor that turned to ice. Now someone might ask, how come turbo prop aircraft don't make contrails ?? Well, first of all, the turbo prop job usually fly at flight level 250 verses 350. It gets colder the higher you go, {UNLESS there's a temperature inversion} Secondly, the prop although has the same FUNCTION as the FAN on a high bypass jet engine, {that is to push the airplane forward} it is NOT ducted. THAT's a HUGE key !! The high bypass jet engines are sending the FAN air {i.e. the THRUST} through a DUCT, where as the turbo prop aircraft the air is NOT ducted and the thrust air is free to disperse with ambient atmosphere. Remember pressure ALWAYS seeks the path of least resistance to equalize. The thrust air off a turbo prop will never mix with the exhaust. A high bypass jet engine we're talking a whole different "animal". Now how do we account for higher levels of chemicals in soils ?? Well remember, I NEVER said the evil deed was not going on. What I said is if you look up in the sky you can't say "oh that guy is making chemtrails". And if you look on Flight Aware and discover the airplane you saw was a commercial airliner, it absolutely is NOT making chemtrails, because a commercial airliner is not configured for chemtrail making. And I also said HOWEVER, a bad guy with a MODIFIED aircraft COULD be "hiding" and spraying actual chemtrails DURING a period where the airliners are making CONTRAILS thus giving plausible deniability. All I'm saying, is we need to be more "scientific" if we expect the world to believe anything we say. Also the idea was suggested that in the "old days", that contrails did not last very long. Actually that is not 100% accurate because in the 1940's in WW2, the Bombers left contrails MILES and MILES long. And I can absolutely guarantee you if the pilots could have prevented that, they would have. If you're a German on the ground, all you got to do is look up and see the contrails and start shooing. The reason that happened was because of very high temperture producing turbo chargers. Again, the hot exhaust heats the water vapor that turns into water, which in turn quicky freezes and turns into ice which makes your contrail. {yes I know, the bombers flew at Flight level 250 like turbo props do, but turbo props don't use turbo chargers. Turbo chargers are only used on piston engines to "trick" the engine into thinking it's flying at near sea level.

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All that sounds great, but... Why, when They made spraying stuff over Tennessee illegal did the skies clear up, even though They have the same air traffic? Something's not adding up.

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Ok I just re-read my comment. I made a boo boo. I said the process backwards. The exhaust of a jet engine has water vapor in the form of steam. When the steam mixes with the bypass fan air which is extremely COLD, then the steam turns into ice crystals. So I said the process backwards, so I apologize for that. And now that I think about it, that makes more sense. But what is STILL true, it's because of the high bypass DUCTED modern day jet engine that you see more spectacular contrails. Now for the air traffic over Tennessee. Any flight over 18,000 feet you don't say "altitude" but rather Flight levels because everyone above 18,000 feet sets their altimeters to standard pressure of 29.92 inches of mercury. This is so airplanes will stay seperated. Also jets at high altitudes are moving very very very fast. About 9 miles per minute. Also all aircraft above 18,000 feet MUST be on an IFR flight plan. {instrument flight rules} The IFR routes cover 100's and 100's of miles and they have NOTHING to do with what State you're flying over. The controller is not going to say "hey United 240, you're getting close to Tennessee, if you're making a contrail, please turn to heading 360 because it's illegal to be making a contrail {or chemtrail} over Tennessee". That's not going to happen. A flight route is a flight route. The only time you deviate is to get around bad weather. But when you do that, you ask the controller to give you clearance, not because the controller is a tyrant, but because you don't want to smash into another jet. So I'd be curious to note what the weather was like on the days that the contrails/chemtrails cleared up over Tennessee. One thing I did not mention in my explanation, is the high bypass engine is not the only factor. It also has to do with the temperature at whatever altitude and the relative humidity. Under certain atmospheric conditions, you may NOT have ANY contrails, even from a high bypass engine and likewise a BAD guy would most likely elect to NOT spray his poison on those days. ONLY on days where the commercial airliners are making bona-fide contrails. Again, I'm NOT saying that BAD guys are not spraying poison, they may be, or they might not be. But we can right off the bat eliminate the commercial airliners as the BAD guys. And that's the vast majority of air traffic at the Flight levels above FL 300. {30,000 feet at 29.92 altimeter setting}

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Boy are you naive Brian. YOU think they don’t have black ops that are not on the same radar as all the other useless eater minions? Why do you suppose they make things so complicated? Because they want to control the world Brian! Yes I agree about the crop dusters but you can’t tell me that in all these years everything else has gotten better but not planes’ emissions? Come on.

Just say what you said is all true. Why the hush hush about it? Why is it never mentioned and just answered the way you just did? Because it’s full of holes that’s why and because they don’t want chemtrails to be in the collective awareness. I say they’re spraying us like bugs. You say nah, they wouldn’t be able to do that without someone figuring them out. How quickly you forget what happened with covid. We must remember that was an entire hoax. Look how many fell for it. Still fall for it. We stand to lose a whole lot if you happen to be wrong. If I’m wrong, all it did was to talk about it. Which is obviously something they don’t want us to do. Why can’t you see the psychological game they’re playing on us? Yes they should stop crop dusting. They should stop ALL pesticide spraying. But they don’t do what we want do they. But at least don’t be so naive in thinking it cannot be done, in thinking someone would speak out. We’ve seen that one before.

Watch this about high bypass turbofan engines: : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wBSpAwhPuE

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I think he's a shill. he's spending an awful lot of words for what? Does he think we're just so stupid? evidently....the jet "scientist" can't see the forest for the trees. Waste of time at this point. It's a shill. Congratulations!! You've dangerous, girl!! LOL

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OK I watched the first minute and realized the guy was a dooofus. He's showing minus 10 degrees Celcius. The standard temperature at 35,000 feet is minus 55 degrees. Of COURSE he's not going to get contrails like out of a jet engine. In regards to aircraft emissions, what the heck are you talking about ?? The spectacular contrails are PROOF the engines are more efficient because MORE of the exhaust byproduct is water which mixes with the very cold condensed bypassed fan air which makes the contrail. Why do you think the aircraft manufactures put high bypass fan jet engines on aircraft in the first place ?? Do they do it because they just feel like it ?? NO !! They do it because those newer engines burn LESS fuel. They burn less fuel because they are able to run them hotter, meaning you extract MORE energy from the fuel. The more efficient the engine is, the CLOSER it becomes to running like pure hydrogen which in that case would yield JUST WATER. It's BASIC chemistry 101. Your arguments don't hold any water {no pun intended LOL} When you hear the term "emissions", you are talking about hydrocarbons. The MORE water vapor you get, the LESS hydrocarbons you have which is a CLEANER engine. I don't think you realize how cold it is at 35,000 feet. It's really really really COLD up there. This bozo trying to be a "scientist" forgot to look up the standard temperature at 35,000 feet. I mean he was "only" off by 45 degrees centigrade. LOL.

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Well, again, I don't see My point addressed. Nothing changed in TN, where They had trails all over, but then a legalate was passed saying spraying could not happen legally there - and all the trails just vanished.

How is that explained?

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Like all you comments, but like button won't work.

This commenter is a shill. Waste of time. But great points.

Some of us have been studying this for more than twenty years.

Who's the "doofus" here? Indeed. Funny, sad, boring.

Dang, Amaterasu!! Right on. I know that Solar Lady.

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So are you saying all airliner traffic stopped flying over Tennessee ?? So what you're telling me is if I go to Tennessee and stay there for a month, {I actually am considering to relocate to the Chatanooga area LOL} I will NEVER see an aircraft contrail {or chemtrail} from the Flight levels ?? I would love to see actual proof of that. All I got to say, is if that is actually true, then there sure are LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of specially MODIFIED aircraft flying. Where are they based at ?? What are their tail numbers ?? If all those 100's and 100's of aircraft were making chemtrails, where were all the commercial airliner flights ?? Were they flying in another dimension ?? That theory makes no sense to me.

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Great post Denise. Yes, we assume digital ID will only work if everyone has a cell phone but I know a lot of people who either (a) have never had one or (b) have recently gotten rid of theirs. How will they track those people? Probably with an implant - and that’s a pretty creepy alternative.

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They have all the advantages it's true except one - time. They have to plan well in advance, work out all the economics of it and science (to explain it to the "experts") so the experts can help further the indoctrination. It is the stuff of story books, fiction - the banks arrange to have a pandemic and they get the media and medical establishment to go along with the ruse. They cam out with (dig this) "Pandemic Bonds" in 2017 and would pay out if there was a pandemic before June 2020. They paid everyone to lie. Isn't it amazing how people accept that? In doing so it kind of separates the weak from the strong. It doesn't matter if you have a degree or a Ph.D - people from all walks of life fell for the ruse. Now the vipers know the ratio of people they have in their hot little hands. We can wake people up but I think we need to use the same tactics that put them in their sleep - the media. We can be the media now. And leave behind the old "legacy" media where everything is scripted and according to plans and orchestrated . Whereas the people's media is raw, immediate and BOLD!

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they don't understand these "phones" weapons they carry around like umbilicals. I saw something last eve that totally freaks me out. I'm not sure if it was about the phones, but they were there being used. never seen anything like it before.

"Mediated" communication will not create action. Action happens in real time, with real people present, and real communication occurring. We have got to take this technology around us down and fast or we're as cooked as Paradise and Lahaina, and so many other places already. Witnessing this first hand is no damned picnic, and for months afterward the only important thing going on in these devastated zones in the installation of this damned mediated technology cables and all that goes with it. Bill Gates sister's company, Avista, telecommunications. That's the only thing that happens for months after, then they rubble is dealt with and the "build back better boxes" for the newly impoverished.

Trees and grass are fine tho. No litter or burn materials in the streets after a "wildfire" incited by "wild winds". Somehow everything just burns down to ashes without touching the clean streets and waterways.

And now Congress wants to reinstitute "conscription", the Military Draft.

Maybe Rothschild paid them. Vietnam was just a dress rehearsal for what's coming.

The "american dream" is a really hard one to wake out of it seems.

As we've seen here, those who can deny what's evident in the sky, can deny anything.

And will.

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I'm totally with you on the military draft thing - ANY "government" who has a draft, OR even requiring people to "register" for it are EVIL BASTARDS sons of bitches. They can take their FUCKING military draft and shove it right up their military drafting ass. Fucking dam evil DEVILS. Fuck the mother fucking military. When a recruit joins the military, they are FORCED with upteen million shots - I know, I was in the Air Force in the 80's. Fuck them mother fuckers and their FUCKING vaccines. 1986 was the last ever vaccine I got of any kind. Do you still fucking think I'm a motherfucking "shill" ?? I don't think "shills" talk like that about our "wonderful" fucking murdering Cock sucking military. And while I'mon a roll, FUCK the MOTHERFUCKING evil bastard sons of bitching POLICE. Police suck dog doo doo and are low life maggots pieces of shit and when I hear of one them having a bad day at the office, I don't feel sorry one fucking bit for their sorry ass. The State doesn't either - although they have their token tributes and mile long procession of Darth Vader vehicles and their fake ass tears - because all they got to do is hire the next sucker moron police academy graduate because they have huge budgets - and apparently PLENTY of money because their sorry fucking asses get sued all the time - million here, 1/2 million there, 5 million here, 10 million there. Here's your 5 million victim now shut the fuck up. Do you still mother fucking think I'm still a mother fucking "shill" ??

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Welcome to Newton's Law of Motion Mother Fucker !! Every mother fucking action, there's an equal and opposite mother fucking REACTION motherfucker. Still think I'm a mother fucking shill mother fucker ??

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Mile Adams recommends SAT phones. Another alternative is short wave radio.

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