"Anyway, I don’t think I’ll bother with facebook any more..."

Good call Denise. ❤️

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I'd like to send you a donation - do I send it to your Vermont address and do I send a check or cash ??

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You are blessed with an AMAZING writing ability. I absolutely love how you go about stating your case and giving reasons why you hold to your position. If I were an English professor, your writing would get A+ 's !! {as I enjoyed my tenured position LOL} Keep up the great writing. - I'm totally with you on the anti censorship thing. You are certainly a champion in that department - don't feel bad for being banned from Facebook. I got banned from Facebook and I didn't do anything except reach out to a few people. All I did was say "hi - I'd love to chat" - no anti government stuff or especially anti police stuff. Man oh man, what would their reaction be if they read one of my anti police rants ?? LOL. As far as calendars, from what I have read, it was the Julian calendar that July was added. That happened in the BC era. About 1500 years later the Gregorian calendar was introduced which kept the same months, but altered the leap years and when implemented, the new calendar had an instant 10 day correction. That was October 1582. No matter how you slice and dice it, any calendar will have a "problem" because one trip around the sun is 365.2422 days. If one year equaled 364 days, then a 13 month calendar absolutely would make more sense. The "problem" is that extra 1.2422 days and what to do about them. So using lots and lots and lots of math, a system was devised to stop the drift - as much as possible. This was achieved by a crazy leap year protocol and even THAT is not 100% accurate, but it's as accurate that you can get. Now instead of being off one day per century, now we're off one day per 4000 years. Not too shabby. To me the more important thing is the invention of the atomic clock. With the atomic clock we can at least keep hours and minutes perfect. That's the good news so hat's off to whoever invented the atomic clock. And as far as ONE year is concerned, as the saying goes, it is what it is. We know EXACTLY when ONE year is - even a well-engineered sun dial will give us EXACT one year measurements - where as "one year" = one revolution around the sun. So we have 2 things going for us: we know when ONE year starts and ends, and we have atomic clocks. The wildcard is the "calendar" which it's the only thing that can be adjusted. You can't adjust hours, minutes, and seconds, and you certainly can't adjust the speed of the earth traveling through space, so me personally, I'm satisfied with the current Gregorian calendar - works fine for me. December, January, and February are cold, and June, July, Aug are hot. Same thing every year LOL. If people want to use different calendars that's fine with me. Daniel John Lee a nutcase hateful street preacher uses the Hebrew calendar in his rants. He says all Christians MUST keep "shabbat" which is no working on Saturday. Aside from him being WRONG on this issue even from a Biblical perspective, I have debated that because of the errors in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, that here in 2024, we have no way of knowing if "Gregorian" Saturday is Moses 10 Commandments Saturday AND there's scriptures that talk about AFTER Moses days, in Joshua's days, the earth stopped for one day. Now some say that was literal, some say that was real, but regardless, we have one more possible problem in the exact 7 day cycle. Because like I said, the Daniel John Lee's of the world absolutely insist that the Christian keep shabbat on the 7th day. But for all we know, what is today's 7th day, might be the 4th day if we go back to Moses. But this is my memory is up to date on this subject, because I have just completed extensive debates about the shabbat in regards to the calendar as well as Biblical arguments of why Christians do NOT have to keep Shabbat. But suffice it to be said, Daniel John Lee is a total disgrace to Christianity and if anyone comes across his videos {on Rumble as dnajlion7} his crazy views are NOT mine I can tell you that. But anyway, I have gone long enough. Hope you're doing well in Massachusetts !!

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22Author

I feel absolutely compelled to respond to your comment and your view of calendars. However let me start by saying I was quite chuffed with your compliment on my writing skill. Thank you for mentioning that, it is one of the most flattering things for me, so I hope I don’t treat you with kid gloves because of it! I’m sure you would never want that! And thank you for your comment, you often engage and that’s a beautiful thing.

We have been through the ins and outs of the two calendars quite often. The turnover of the year is not an issue, for any calendar. That’s easy enough to adjust to. The day of the Sabbath or any other fiest is purely arbitrary and deemed by mere mortals (always men of course – have you noticed?) Not that that matters in this debate, however what the 13 moon calendar offers is symmetry, geometry, rhythm and consistency - aspects the Gregorian calendar is totally devoid of. You see it was designed by empire which means dominators, which means a small group dictating to others, to us.

It needn’t get complicated – just those who prefer a sensible, rhythmic calendar can begin citing the 13 moon calendar whenever they cite the Gregorian calendar. What is difficult about that? It is purely a choice. Not everyone has to do it and certainly nobody is bound to do it. It’s for people who want to make change, not just for change’s sake but to start getting out from under what empire imposed on us and go about making our own way. It is the first pillar of a 3 point plan to totally create a new path and shake off empire. It would give us a feeling of collective cohesion and anchor truth seekers and those who want to assert their sovereignty (and there ain’t nothing anyone can do about it!) It seems benign but getting ourselves back in tune with nature, is a boost of power and confidence in our capabilities and the first step in taking hold of the reigns of our own destiny.

The 13 moon calendar is more ancient than the Hebrew calendar, (if that has any meaning) but there is a myriad of calendars to choose from, even today. Some are only 9 months long, reflecting the human gestation period. I simply suggest the 13 moon calendar because it is one the indigenous used, it is consistent, easy to learn and it has a full infrastructure already prepared at the site “The Law of Time”. Whereas the others don’t have much to go by, this one is already available. Essentially what your case is is to maintain the status quo and that’s just not an option for me and others who eagerly want to take hold of circumstances ourselves and bring change.

I'm doing pretty well in Mass thank you and hope you are doing well yourelf.

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Did you see the short question I left for you at the very tippy top ??

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If one year was 364 days, I would fully embrace the 13 month calendar because 28 X 13 = 364. And you are absolutely 100% correct about it being more natural PROVIDED a year was 364 days. But unfortunately, I can't make earth travel faster in space. So if we picture the earth making one trip around the sun, at day #364, the earth is ALMOST back to where it started from, but not quite. Then it's got to do 1.2422 more revolutions to get back to the starting point. That's been the problem is what do we do with the extra 1.2422 days ?? So that's where "leap" years come into play. And even then it's not perfect because in order for a leap year to be perfect, it would have to be 1.25 days. So essentially the "leap" years over correct, so in certain years that otherwise would be leap years we have to under correct by omitting the leap year such as was the case in the year 2000. And even THAT is still not good enough because once every 4000 years I think you add one additional leap year. From my perspective, since there were mathematicians who spent hours and hours figuring this out, I'm OK with what we got. I'm actually grateful people figured it out. It means one less thing I have to try to figure out. I'm also grateful that somebody invented the atomic clock. With the atomic clock, we can count on our seconds, minutes, and hours continuing on like "clockwork" {no pun intended LOL} And finally let's address the issue of evil men who invented stuff. Look at it this way - in MANY of my rants, I ALWAYS am calling for an UNDERTHROW of the government, NOT an Overthrow. The reason is of course if you Overthrow, you're just simply installing a puppet to continue government. That is NOT what I want. Also when you overthrow a government, you take a high risk of destroying infrastructure. I want the infrastructure IN TACT when "the government" ceases to exist by DEFAULT {i.e. an UNDERTHROW} I want the infrastructure to be used in a PEACEFUL world EVEN IF said infrastructure was built by evil men. If something has been built, and it WORKS, I see no reason to tear it down. It's akin to a "to the victor goes the spoils" motif. Well, I personally put the Gregorian calendar in the same category. To the victor go the spoils. Sure, evil men originally invented it, but those evil men are LONG gone. They have gone BYE BYE !! So now the GOOD people have taken control over it and guess what ?? We don't have to spend HOURS and HOURS figuring it out - people a long time ago already did that. So move over evil men, we take the TOOLS that YOU built - everything from calendars to roads. That's my mindset. The evil people will eventually vanish because they are their own worst enemies - they fall under their own weight - and when they ALL finally fall {under their own weight} their TOOLS become OURS. YES some tools can and will be tweeked on an AS NEEDED BASIS.

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